Appalachain Trail

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 40.38820°N / 77.0047°W
Additional Information Route Type: Hike
Additional Information Time Required: Less than two hours
Additional Information Difficulty: Walk-up
Sign the Climber's Log


You get to the base of the mountain via Routes 322 or 147 at the Clark's Ferry Bridge across from Duncannon. There is a sign across from the parking lot with trail conditions and information.

Route Description

The route starts with some easy winding switchbacks up the head of the mountain and after about half an hour levels out to a flat area with a view out ove the river across to Duncannon through the trees. There are some old walls from the early days when it was clear of trees and there used to be a farm. The trail then continues fairly level around to the south side of the mountain before starting a gentle climb to the point which is a big outcropping of boulders and rocks that afford nice views to the north, south, and west. The trail then continues up some switchbacks to the summit ridge and is fairly level for about a mile. Then the trail turns down around the summit block. From here to the summit there is no marked trail but you have to scramble up the ledges to the top. Be careful of loose rock on the scramble because there are some loose boulders. Once on top there are views in all directions and south to Harrisburg. Descend the same way you came up.

Essential Gear

comfortable hiking shoes
waterproof clothes
water and snacks
bug repelent in in summer

Miscellaneous Info

If you have information about this route that doesn't pertain to any of the other sections, please add it here.

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mtwashingtonmonroe - Jan 1, 2004 11:01 pm - Hasn't voted

Route Comment

Another poplular hike on Peter's Mountain is to start at the Clark's Ferry Bridge, just as the normal route to the summit. But then bypass the summit and continue on to the new Appalachian Trail bridge over Route 147 and on to the Peter's Mountain hut.

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