Barrel Cacti

Barrel Cacti

A nice cluster of Barrel Cacti near Cathedral Peaks. Lake Mead Area, Nevada. March 2008. Singular Barrel Cacti are common throughout the Mojave Desert, but clusters like this one are not.
Anya Jingle
on Mar 11, 2008 1:12 am
Image Type(s): Flora,  Scenery
Image ID: 387380


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lcarreau - Mar 11, 2008 2:55 pm - Voted 10/10

Wait a minute, please...

I just posted the singular variety of barrel. This must be a different genus that you have discovered. I wonder if it is the genus Ferocactus. I need to go to the Henderson library and get me a good cactus ID book. I've been meaning to do that for years. NICE eyes for discovery, Anya! You must always know where to find interesting flora and fauna. Outstanding!!!

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