Behind the Vinyl Curtain, 5.10a

Behind the Vinyl Curtain, 5.10a

Behind the Beige Vinyl Curtain is one of the 6 full pitch routes in the middle of Solstice Wall. And I do mean full pitch at 105' sporting 13 bolts. The further left on Solstice Wall, the cleaner the Kaibab limestone which can be quite the hazard on the routes to the right. This is a fantastic route that makes you feel like you are climbing forever on edges and neat finger pockets. Bomber two ring anchor at the top (2007). Solstice Wall, 5.7-5.11d, Woodbury Road Crags, Woodbury Desert Study Area, Joshua Tree Unit, BLM Utah, February 5, 2007.
Dow Williams
on Feb 7, 2007 2:05 am
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 267621


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