Hiked a trail until it hit a road, then up a rocky gully to a switchback in the road to the summit.
technicolorNH - Oct 8, 2020 6:05 pm Date Climbed: Oct 7, 2020
stomach flu hike
The day after I took forever to climb Sandia Peak I did this from the parking area for the Sabine Canyon trail system. Took 45 minutes and I definitely still felt a bit off. Startled a rattlesnake slithering up who didn’t see me leaning against a pole on the shaded stoop of a storage building. I left him be and he reciprocated.
Brian Kalet - Jan 13, 2018 12:56 pm Date Climbed: Apr 17, 2016
9 Peaks
With Mount Withington, Withington Wilderness HP, 10020, 9965, 9390, Gray Hill, Granite Mountain & Silver Hill.
Did this with my son. Short but sweet. The views are great. Interestingly enough their was an unkindness of Common Ravens at the top soaring around and roosting on the towers. It was a bit eerie especially as they made their knocking sounds with their beaks.
cftbq - Dec 16, 2013 6:42 pm Date Climbed: Dec 15, 2013
south slopes
I parked at the upper intersection of FR 542 and FR 252. I followed the road to the gate, then turned left, and free-lanced my way directly up until I encountered the switchbacked road/trail, which I followed to the summit area. Beautiful, sunny day. A great, short hike: 1 mile RT, ~270 ft. elevation gain. On the way out, I noticed the TH on the road just below the official parking area. Presumably, starting here would yield a slightly longer, and more scenic, hike to the top.
Outdoorpartner - Jun 3, 2012 11:01 pm Date Climbed: Apr 7, 2012
Cedro 45
Hit the top twice in one day as a part of the Cedro 45 Ultra. Fantastic day, but got lost on the trail about 5 miles after the peak.
I've been up here quite a few times. I've hiked it, I've mountain bike it, I've 4 wheeled it in my Jeep, and I've even ridden my road bike up here.
Sarah Simon - Nov 27, 2008 7:24 pm Date Climbed: Nov 27, 2008
Southern Trail from Jose Tomas
We used the instructions from Explore New Mexico: http://www.explorenm.com/hikes/CedroPeak/ for this hike. (I didn't even know SP had a page for this one!) We had amazing weather - and not in the warm, sunny sense. We started off in a cool mist and drizzle. As we neared the top the drizzle turned to rain, but we pressed on. After reaching the top, while we were drinking water and exploring the summit, the rain turned to sleet...then hail (ouch!) and we quickly headed down from the summit. Then the skies opened up with thunder-slush! It was insane. We got back down the mountain as fast as we could through the slush and mud with 3 leashed dogs. My dear husband - so patient with me and my hobby. The poor dogs - covered in ice and snow. I have to take davebobk47's word there are nice views from the summit. All we saw were CLOUDS. Hiking partner: Husband. Pupcicles: Lady, Bing & Lela.
davebobk47 - Nov 5, 2008 12:21 pm Date Climbed: Oct 18, 2008
Nice Day
Nice hike with the girlfriend and two dogs. Perfect fall weather. Short easy hike, only saw people at the TH, no one else on the other trails.
Foxy Long Bottoms - Jun 8, 2023 9:18 am Date Climbed: Jun 1, 2023
Trail to directHiked a trail until it hit a road, then up a rocky gully to a switchback in the road to the summit.
technicolorNH - Oct 8, 2020 6:05 pm Date Climbed: Oct 7, 2020
stomach flu hikeThe day after I took forever to climb Sandia Peak I did this from the parking area for the Sabine Canyon trail system. Took 45 minutes and I definitely still felt a bit off. Startled a rattlesnake slithering up who didn’t see me leaning against a pole on the shaded stoop of a storage building. I left him be and he reciprocated.
Brian Kalet - Jan 13, 2018 12:56 pm Date Climbed: Apr 17, 2016
9 PeaksWith Mount Withington, Withington Wilderness HP, 10020, 9965, 9390, Gray Hill, Granite Mountain & Silver Hill.
hans.schenk - Sep 19, 2016 6:00 pm Date Climbed: Sep 19, 2016
Via Cedro Peak TrailDid this with my son. Short but sweet. The views are great. Interestingly enough their was an unkindness of Common Ravens at the top soaring around and roosting on the towers. It was a bit eerie especially as they made their knocking sounds with their beaks.
cftbq - Dec 16, 2013 6:42 pm Date Climbed: Dec 15, 2013
south slopesI parked at the upper intersection of FR 542 and FR 252. I followed the road to the gate, then turned left, and free-lanced my way directly up until I encountered the switchbacked road/trail, which I followed to the summit area. Beautiful, sunny day. A great, short hike: 1 mile RT, ~270 ft. elevation gain. On the way out, I noticed the TH on the road just below the official parking area. Presumably, starting here would yield a slightly longer, and more scenic, hike to the top.
Outdoorpartner - Jun 3, 2012 11:01 pm Date Climbed: Apr 7, 2012
Cedro 45Hit the top twice in one day as a part of the Cedro 45 Ultra. Fantastic day, but got lost on the trail about 5 miles after the peak.
asaking11 - Jan 30, 2010 12:40 am
Many times, many waysI've been up here quite a few times. I've hiked it, I've mountain bike it, I've 4 wheeled it in my Jeep, and I've even ridden my road bike up here.
Sarah Simon - Nov 27, 2008 7:24 pm Date Climbed: Nov 27, 2008
Southern Trail from Jose TomasWe used the instructions from Explore New Mexico: http://www.explorenm.com/hikes/CedroPeak/ for this hike. (I didn't even know SP had a page for this one!) We had amazing weather - and not in the warm, sunny sense. We started off in a cool mist and drizzle. As we neared the top the drizzle turned to rain, but we pressed on. After reaching the top, while we were drinking water and exploring the summit, the rain turned to sleet...then hail (ouch!) and we quickly headed down from the summit. Then the skies opened up with thunder-slush! It was insane. We got back down the mountain as fast as we could through the slush and mud with 3 leashed dogs. My dear husband - so patient with me and my hobby. The poor dogs - covered in ice and snow. I have to take davebobk47's word there are nice views from the summit. All we saw were CLOUDS. Hiking partner: Husband. Pupcicles: Lady, Bing & Lela.
davebobk47 - Nov 5, 2008 12:21 pm Date Climbed: Oct 18, 2008
Nice DayNice hike with the girlfriend and two dogs. Perfect fall weather. Short easy hike, only saw people at the TH, no one else on the other trails.