Charles Mound Climber's Log

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hhuttner27 - Aug 3, 2024 1:39 pm Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2024

Nice morning for a wslk  Sucess!

Most of the walk shaded by trees, a bit more of an uphill than I expected but still easy. Coming down, near the top be sure to bear left or you could end up on the wrong road like I did. (Got chatty with fellow hiker and missed the turn) Pretty busy at 8:00 am around 10 cars parked along the road. Was quite enjoyable!

Cateanderika.50hp - Jul 8, 2024 5:36 am Date Climbed: Jul 6, 2024

Highpoint #20  Sucess!

Access dates are up to date per summit post days listed. No vehicle access past the gate on the road. No where to park besides side of road with low shoulder. Longer of a hike than anticipated but still very easy. Cute little chairs and sign at the top. USGS marker is easy to find. View was obstructed by surrounding trees but still got some. Took just under an hour with minimal breaks and time at top. Make sure to put in 688 Charles Mound Road on Google maps to take you to the right place


Hyadventure - Jul 4, 2023 4:39 pm Date Climbed: Jun 3, 2023

What can you say about Charles Mound?  Sucess!

I walked up the road, took a pic, and moved on.. 32/50

Thermoretical - Jan 29, 2023 4:59 pm Date Climbed: Jul 2, 2022

The one where I got lost (#9)  Sucess!

I decided the day before the 4th of July weekend that I was going to drive from Minnesota to Niagara Falls and back in threes, while also putting my feet in all five Great Lakes and hitting four state highpoints. State number one, Illinois. Charles Mound was exactly how people described it; A pretty leisurely walk up a hill for about 1.2mi and then back. What they didn't tell me about were the flies. Woof. Also, on the way back down I forgot to turn and ended up about a half mile the wrong way. Oh well, what's a few more steps?


Dundeel - Sep 15, 2022 9:06 pm Date Climbed: Sep 3, 2022

Mound Bound  Sucess!

Not a mountain, but a nice walk on a grassy lane through the woods and around cornfields. "If it's a state highpoint, they will come."


hailee - Sep 3, 2022 12:37 pm Date Climbed: Sep 3, 2022

Brilliant time!   Sucess!

Brilliant little stroll of a time.


whatdoIknow - Jan 3, 2022 5:25 am Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2021

Harder than Everest!  Sucess!

Right? There are more OK weather window days on Everest than Charles Mound is accessible to the public :)

jgoodsnyder - Aug 22, 2021 10:21 am Date Climbed: Nov 27, 2020

High Point #1  Sucess!

Great trek through the property to 'summit' the mound! Went with my golden retriever puppy and dad for our first high point together. Didn't realize you couldn't go for most of the year but the property owners were cool with us being there.

jabfoster - Jun 6, 2021 3:24 pm Date Climbed: Jun 6, 2021

Charles Mound IL

#13. Hot day 86 degrees. Easy walk to the top.

WIHighPointer - Jan 14, 2021 7:36 pm Date Climbed: Sep 5, 2020

HP #8, Charles Mound, IL  Sucess!

This is the 4th of 8 HPs Labor Day Weekend 2020.

Last weekend of the year to access Charles Mound and as I was walking up the hill, I was passing a family of five. They said "Hello Again." It was the Russell family whom I "met" 11 days prior on trail for Minnesota's Eagle Mountain. Small world. They were finishing a family summer vacation of Highpointing and I was in the midst of a 5 day 8 State/8 Highpoint tour.


Outdooraholic - Aug 8, 2020 6:20 am Date Climbed: Aug 1, 2020

Highpoint #40!  Sucess!

State highpoint #40!


vanman798 - Aug 4, 2020 9:21 am Date Climbed: Aug 1, 2020

HP #36  Sucess!

Lot of cars parked on the road when we arrived, and several groups hiking down. We had plenty of alone time on the summit however. Nice views and bigger hill then I expected. Lots of corn growing around everywhere.


McCannster - Jul 6, 2020 5:17 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2020

#48  Sucess!

hot out! Nice country walk. praise be to the highpointers foundation!


billydheyhey - Aug 19, 2019 7:30 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2019

HP #45!  Sucess!

Private property, beautiful farmland. Little over 2 mile round trip hike in... I made it here on a gorgeous day in the middle of summer. All prairie and corn views...


radbb - Jul 7, 2019 8:03 pm Date Climbed: Jul 6, 2019

Glorious day and glorious views  Sucess!

Flew to MKE and rented a car to hit the Midwest Lakes Area high points. Charles Mound was fifth of 5 for this trip. Drive to the trailhead is very straight forward. The HP is located in the middle of a working farm. This HP is only accessible on certain days (usually the first Saturday and Sunday of summer months only !!!) Check with highpointers club and other sources... The road/trail to the top is very straight forward. The view is quite good.

CTberk - Jul 4, 2019 5:24 pm Date Climbed: Jun 1, 2019

Charles Mound  Sucess!

Hiked in from the road along the farm road late in the day. Directions are spot on. View from top is great. Chair on top allowed one to rest and look over the rolling hills. Thank you to the owner for allowing us to access the high point.


adventureharder - Jun 18, 2019 10:25 pm Date Climbed: Jun 2, 2019

State Highpoint #05 | IL  Sucess!


mgriffis - Feb 12, 2019 3:15 pm Date Climbed: Aug 5, 2018

HP #17  Sucess!

Humid summer afternoon! This Westerner isn't used to that...


Walkoutnow - Nov 20, 2018 9:24 am Date Climbed: Nov 18, 2018

#35  Sucess!

4th of 4 HP trip.
Way, way out there from ChiTown. Not much to see, just farmlands and lots of driving. Was glad to get to ChiTown to end this one. Check it off the list kinda HP..


r0cco - Oct 23, 2018 2:23 pm Date Climbed: Aug 6, 2017

High Point #1!  Sucess!

Happened to be visiting friends in Chicago when the hike was open for my first highpoint!

Saw a lot of other highpointers out and about, and got buzzed from a cropduster, which was cool.

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