Cinnamon Hedgehog, 5.10a

Cinnamon Hedgehog, 5.10a

4th Pitch- 150’- 5.10a/ This was a fun pitch. Follow the left trending seam/crack above on positive holds and edges the whole way. At the second bulge, the pitch steepens dead vertical at the lone fixed pro (2011). The climbing is always quite positive as you move left and right to find the larger edges. It is more in the 5.9 realm, but the gear placements consist of slinging varnished features and placing strategic nuts. The climbing definitely warrants more thought than the lower pitches. Towards the end, traverse up and right on better rock versus following the last few meters of the on again, off again, seam. When you reach the top of the tower (large ledge), use C4 #3’s for an anchor or sling a boulder. Cinnamon Hedgehog, 5.10a, 6 Pitches+, Cactus Flower Tower, Red Rock, NV, October, 2011
Dow Williams
on Oct 24, 2011 11:07 am
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 755847


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