Cusick Mountain Climber's Log

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Brian Jenkins

Brian Jenkins - Aug 17, 2020 9:59 pm Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2020

from Little Frazier Lake  Sucess!

Used Caleb's beta and found it went smoothly. Just watch the melt-out on the snowfields you have to pass over so you don't fall in. Saw a herd of goats 40+ in Honeymoon Basin from the summit.


ehyates - Mar 31, 2024 5:40 pm

Re: from Little Frazier Lake

Hello Brian, re. the "breach in cliffs near the outlet of the lake" - is that pretty obvious once you're there? I've been looking the route via Google Earth and I see more than one gully. The gully nearest the lake outlet appears from various angles to be the one you and Caleb mention. It looks pretty bare in the upper third; I wondered what I might expect? I assume you descended the same gully? Reasonably safe?

I'd send a photo with showing the gullies labeled with numbers to confirm, but the messaging software doesn't support that.


calebEOC - Aug 24, 2019 9:39 pm Date Climbed: Aug 24, 2019

From Frazier Lake  Sucess!

Excellent route. Hike up to Frazier Lake, find a breach in cliffs near the outlet of the lake, ascend to Honeymoon Basin, across the basin and up a ramp that connects to the NW ridge. Everytime I think I found my favorite mountain and route in the Wallowas, something like this surprises me. Honeymoon Basin was incredible.


ehyates - Mar 31, 2024 5:35 pm

Re: From Frazier Lake

Hello Caleb, re. the "breach in cliffs near the outlet of the lake" - is that pretty obvious once you're there? I've been looking at it via Google Earth and I see more than on gully. The gully nearest the lake outlet from various angles appears to be the one you mention. It looks pretty bare in the upper third or sore, and I wondered what I might expect? I assume you descended the same gully?
Thanks for any information you recall.

Troy B

Troy B - Aug 27, 2011 9:59 pm Date Climbed: Aug 26, 2011

Route Climbed: North Ridge up from Honeymoon Basin  Sucess!

Climbed up from Polaris Pass and picked up Sentinel Peak along the way. Although it's a long hike from any trailhead, this peak is well worth the effort. The views from the top were spectacular and Honeymoon Basin below the peak is truly unique and seldom seen.


mrh - Oct 27, 2004 12:42 am

Route Climbed: Southeast slope/East ridge Date Climbed: October 2, 2004  Sucess!

This is a spectacular glacial horn with diverse geology. I made the route up more difficult than it had to be. The southeast slope is a long scree climb and the east ridge is technical on slippery decomposing limestone with some basalt pillars. I sort of mixed the two up. The summit receives only a few visits each year, thus the alpine vegetation is much more intact than most of the other high mountains of this range. Lots of goats in the basin below.

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