Earth Angel, 5.10

Earth Angel, 5.10

3rd Pitch- 45m- 5.10/ This is a stout pitch for the grade requiring a variety of climbing disciplines. Start up the chimney. As it pushes you out you will have great gear and a bolt. Either use off-width technique (more difficult, but better protected) or stem and use holds outside the crack. Several exposed meters later finds you back into a secure squeeze chimney (C4#6 protects if you brought it). After a few squeeze chimney moves the grade backs way off to the top of this chimney. Continue up a few meters of easier ground to the base of the next obvious pitch by climbing up and right to a medium gear belay in the left side of a white pillar (C4 #.5-.75). Earth Angel, 5.10, 6 Pitches, Earth Angel Spire, Sedona, AZ, 2012
Dow Williams
on Oct 8, 2012 12:25 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 818677


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