Extreme Reporter Angie Wyatt

Extreme Reporter Angie Wyatt

Angie agreed to be guided up this mountain to do a sat. link up with WSIL Southern Illinois. We broadcasted a message of world peace & unity from the top.
on Dec 19, 2007 2:33 pm
Image ID: 366304


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MichaelCoyne - Dec 19, 2007 3:19 pm - Hasn't voted

Reporters who climb

Expedition advice from the first New Englander who made the summit of Everest.

Rick told me to never climb with anyone who wasn't already a friend: (He also said, eat at altitude, or at least try, the same way you eat at sea level.) Her meant that altitude is no place for your digestion system to be trying out new protein bars & such.

This makes sense to me & it got him to the top of the world. But I personally find myself breaking his rule of thumb on 2 occations; If you can find a friendly doctor or reporter who has an interest in climbing, teach them, if they are really committed they will show you through their actions, & willingness to lay down the money to get outfitted. On expedition, even if they only make high camop, they will have a story to tell their grandchildren & your expedition can benefit greatly with their talents.

In our case Angie Wyatt was a novice & took to climbing like a bird to flight, she showed courage when things got bad & stayed cheerful when things got boring. A real credit to our team!

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