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Tim Geerlings

Tim Geerlings - Jan 30, 2008 2:23 pm - Voted 10/10

Great Article

Very enjoyable and worthwhile. Great pictures, great text. Very interesting. I would have to disagree with calling Grand Canyon rim-rim as low as #5, but you definitely have more authority on that than me.
One question. Have you ever done the North Rim to river to North rim in a day?

vancouver islander

vancouver islander - Jan 30, 2008 8:31 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Great Article

Thanks MMM.

'Fraid I have to stick to my order of things. But remember, this is just my opinion based on the data in my memory. If, for instance, I'd done the Valle Frances in the usual Patagonian gale rather than the benign conditions that prevailed on the day, it might not have even made the list, never mind the top 5. The order was just for fun - and, maybe, just to be a little bit provocative.

No I've not done the North Rim equivalent of #5. If I did, I'd make it NR->R->SR. That would be much more interesting. In fact that's such a good idea, I think I'll leave immediately and go do it!




dadndave - Jan 31, 2008 1:25 am - Voted 10/10

Great page

I enjoyed reading this. I appreciate it=s personal perspective. I hope to see Patagonia before I die.

vancouver islander

vancouver islander - Jan 31, 2008 3:12 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Great page

Thanks DnD. Yes, get thee to Patagonia. It's the right hemisphere for you; no excuses.




lingana - Feb 1, 2008 5:59 pm - Voted 9/10

Simple....and Informative..

It was indeed a pleasure reading about the 5 hikes you categorized on this page. I did the Grand Canyon trail, but couldn't go all the way down to the river, as my wife wasn't feeling well. Stayed at Indian Nation Campground (I believe it is the 4.5 mile stop, right?). Anyway, I do dream of going to South America to hike and climb and see all the spectacular beauty that region has to offer. I bet Aconcagua is on everybody's list here, but the photos you posted will definitely let people think of doing this hike as well.
Thanks for posting.


vancouver islander

vancouver islander - Feb 1, 2008 6:41 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Simple....and Informative..


In response to your question; I think you mean Indian Garden (not Nation) on the Bright Angel trail. Yes, 4 miles would be about right for that.

I wouldn't think that Aconcagua is anyone's list as a day hike - which was the point of this piece. However, I'm sure you're right in that it's on a lot of peoples' overall list.



vancouver islander

vancouver islander - Feb 3, 2008 2:12 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Terrific page...

Thanks so much. I'm really pleased that you enjoyed it.


Big Shoes

Big Shoes - Feb 7, 2008 6:36 pm - Hasn't voted

Nice Five!

One can certinly feel the love you have for your choices. While mine may vary from yours, they are mine. You have done a wonderful job presenting yours, nice five. We do share a love for at least one though, the Grand Canyon. Your discription of the world above disapearing shortly after starting your decent into the canyon brings memories rushing back to me. I have returned many times to enjoy the canyon, the last time taking my son for his first visit. By far my best trip to the canyon, to see his eyes so wide, made me feel fantastic. When we reached the river later that morning he put his hands on his hips and proclaimed "The bottom of the world". (Crazy kid)

Thanks so much!


Khumbu06 - Apr 5, 2008 11:22 am - Hasn't voted

Great hikes!

Hi, just found this post, and I love that you included a shot of Everest from the Renjo La on your page. I trekked in the Khumbu and Gokyo valleys two years ago and loved it so much I plan to return in 2009. I've been to Pinnacles, and both rims of the Grand Canyon several times, and I absolutely want to do the rim-to-rim hike sometime. Is it really a day hike? I'm not sure I could do it in one day at this age (57+). Patagonia is definitely on my wish list, but I just *have* to return to the Khumbu first. Great page and photos!

vancouver islander

vancouver islander - Apr 5, 2008 12:24 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Great hikes!

Thank you kindly. I'm glad you enjoyed the article.

The shot of Everest from the Renjo is taken from my TR Round The Houses to Everest. If you enjoyed your time in the Khumbu, you'll certainly get a kick out of reading that. I can't say I was that impressed with the Imja Kola area - far too many people for my taste. You did the right thing going up to Gokyo, although lots go that way now too. Next time go up the valley of the Bhote Khosi and over the Renjo to Gokyo. It's a much tougher pass than the Cho La but all worth it for the view and the fact that very few people go that way.

For a taste of what the REAL Nepal back country is like try Marooned in The Annapurna Wilderness. This was a great adventure as well as a salutory lesson in the pitfalls awaiting us all in lonely places.

I'm the wrong side of 61 so a young whippper-snapper like you should have trouble with a Grand Canyon RRR. I last did it when I was your age and it was no problem at all. I still haven't done N Rim to River to S Rim. It's on my list - but so is a lot else besides.

Thanks once more for your kind words and happy trails out there.




KingL - May 9, 2009 8:32 pm - Voted 10/10

Very nice read!

Thanks for sharing your perspective of the hikes. They look like great day hikes! Nice pictures as well.
We started out to do the Castlecrag Horsehoe last summer and did the reverse route you recommended here. We only made it to Albert Edward that day but plan to go back and do the circle as you suggest.


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