You take the road to Quetzaltenango and from there you go to Zunil, the same road described in the Zunil's main page.
Route Description
You start from Fuentes Georginas, the trail starts on the east side of the hot water pools, it is a small path, you will start on a very slippery, not well defined path. After some minutes of hiking you will reach an intersection of two roads, take the right one, then after some time of hiking you will reach a blue cross in the ground, it is in honor of a corpse, anyway from that place you can take right. From this place the path is a little hard, it has some leaves and trees that hit your head or backpack, but it's well defined from here. Don't worry because the trail some times goes down, it's just part of it. After about half mile of plain terrain, you reach a place called "El Aserradero" which is the only place where you will have no trees over your head, from this place you will see the whole cone of the volcano, from this place you take to your right wich is the east, and you will find a path that is hard to find, but after 100 meters it gets well defined. Here the path takes you to the summit. It's supposed to take 6 hours, but it really depends on the soil conditions, weather conditions, physical condition, etc.
Essential Gear
Good boots!!!!!!!! Be sure to take good boots, the soil gets more than slippery. Enough Water. Please don't underestimate this peak, it has no snow in it's summit, but is really cold, exposed, and windy volcano so take good clothes, don't forget your camera. You will have to do some short rock climbings, but climbing shoes, ropes, or any climbing accessories will be too much, it can be don with the hiking boots, and that's about it.
Miscellaneous Info
If you have information about this route that doesn't pertain to any of the other sections, please add it here.