Greek Catholic  Saints Cosmas and Damian church in Bartne

Greek Catholic Saints Cosmas and Damian church in Bartne

The Greek Catholic Parish Church of St. Cosmas and St. Damian in Bartne arose in 1842. In the C18th a spire was added. After World War II the church lay in disuse and was partially destroyed. Currently it is a museum building, administered by the District Museum in Nowy Sącz. It is a typical West-Lemko church, built using log construction and covered with shingles. The fittings of the church are: a late-baroque C18th iconostasis (with sovereign icons from the C16th), a side altar with an icon of The Crucifixion from 1797, and the unique C18th icons: Madonna with Child and Christ Pantocrator. The Low Beskid - Bartne.
on Oct 15, 2017 4:36 am
Image Type(s): Scenery
Image ID: 1009044


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