Have ya gone green, yet?

Have ya gone green, yet?

How many of you have been to SE Asia? Please raise your hand! This beetle flies through open doors and windows into people's houses. I always called it a "June Bug," but the good folks in SE Asia refer to it as something different; a Filipino word that I can't seem to remember. Come to think of it, their word for it sounds a lot like "DINNER." Actually, we "saved" THIS beetle from being eaten by a very large lizard (a type of Gecko) found crawling around on the interior walls of the house, long after the sun had sunk into the Visayan Sea. Hey, cheap entertainment! It actually beats watching the ten o'clock news! "I look at the world and I notice it's turning, While my guitar gently weeps. With every mistake we must surely be learning, Still my guitar gently weeps ..." Southern Leyte, Philippines - (May 8, 2010)
on May 25, 2010 10:40 pm
Image Type(s): Wildlife,  Informational,  Humor
Image ID: 624185


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