

Hepatica (Hepatica nobilis) is a perennial plant from the family Ranunculaceae. It can be found in all of Poland's mountain ranges. It likes damp locations in forests and thickets and can grow up to 15 - 20 cm in height. Flowers appear in early spring before the leaves and are bluish purple. The shape and color of the leaves resemble a liver (the word hepatica comes from the Greek word "hepar", which refers to the liver). The leaves have three lobes, and older leaves are reddish-purple. Hepatica nobilis has been under protection in Poland since 2004. The Low Beskid - Rymanow Zdroj - Forest by Black Creek - March 30, 2008.
on Apr 2, 2008 3:48 am
Image Type(s): Flora
Image ID: 393330


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