Hisper Village Pakistan

Hisper Village Pakistan

Hisper Village is the one of the beautiful village of Nagar situated in Northern Area of Pakistan.Hisper is the last highest and legendary valley, the last human settlement before the walk up Hisper Glacier. and is about 28km from the main town of Nagar Valley. It is the camping site for the adventurers who are interested in trekking over the Biafo Glacier, from Nagar to Skardu and if you wants to climb Pumari Chhish 7492-M or Kunyang Chhish 7852-M you will go through this village.This village consist of 150 houses and you can see the Hisper Glacier from this village also.
Karrar Haidri
on Aug 5, 2008 10:58 am
Image Type(s): Informational
Image ID: 428538


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