Hogback BM

Hogback BM

Because this is an error range P2000 I was more interested in the BM than usual. But I can't read the elevation scratching. Hogback Mtn features 1989 feet of clean prominence and 2009 feet of median prominence. This is with a forty foot saddle contour. Giving equal odds to all possible saddle elevations in that range yields a 72.5% chance of it having 2000 feet of prominence. You never know, but based on the width of the saddle contours and the slope of the ridge contours there, you'd have to view its chance of a P2000 status as even higher. I'd guess 90% probability of being P2000 given that it only needs 11 feet below the 4800 ft ridge contour and given the spacing of the contours. In any event, it is an easy summit and one worth hiking as well for the views regardless of how many feet of prominence it has.
on Jun 4, 2007 12:22 am
Image Type(s): Informational
Image ID: 298519


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