Hualalai Climber's Log

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Bob Burd

Bob Burd - Jun 13, 2014 12:47 am Date Climbed: Jun 2, 2014

West side approach  Sucess!

Late afternoon start after flight from mainland. Finished in the dark. Not a soul out there today. Trip Report.

dusita - Aug 6, 2013 3:32 am

ex kona hiker

i lived in kona, i'd watch for the few clear summit days, and finally, solo, set off, to do my final big island peak, could not find a 2nd to go on short notice, i used the kaloko route, end of that side street, but once your above tree level, be prepared to lose all sense of scale, what look like trails, are probably from the tons of goats up there, all the dropping around the pit craters, finally sussing out the peak, required some scrambling on loose scree, at the top i ran out of water, orienting back to the way i came, was hard i set off on a short cut over a'a, but then the fog rolled in (as it probably does as the day progress)and i could not orient in a straight line anymore, finally out of the a'a, there was a fence, it seemed a good idea to follow it, as going back uphill, i had no energy to do, and it was getting darker, finally gave up on the fence, jumped it , and there were bulls in the mist and trees, but some miracle happened and the ranch road, quickly dropped me back at the top of kaloko., learned my lesson, i hope. sometime before or after, learned that there is a 4x4 road, i'm guessing, though you won't get access from the dubious bishop estate, as an individual, might make sense to try to walk to road, not sure


CzechMark - Dec 17, 2012 2:04 pm Date Climbed: Dec 8, 2012

Not happening

Unable to get to the summit or even the start of the trail. There is a guard in place for Bishop Estates. Looked sketchy and there were no trespassing signs EVERYWHERE. Talked to the locals on Koloko Drive and they said that there is an increased presence from Bishop Estates to deter hikers in the area. And the military training ground on the East side complicates things even further. I would love to find another way up there some day.

Clement - Mar 21, 2011 4:00 am Date Climbed: Mar 19, 2011

Hualalai Summit Hike  Sucess!

Awesome hike, The view was just great,got to see some amazing volcano in the area. On the way back to the car little bit mist good thing for GPS.

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