Route Climbed: Yoonza Pass Date Climbed: June 17, 2005
We were planning to climb Kharsang Kooh starting from Garmabdar Village but decided to save ourselves a lot of vertical by going to Yoonza Pass. That however, made the walk much longer. Got off to a lazy late start. Left Yoonza Pass at 10:30 and took a leisurely 1.5 hour break after Oshtor Peak. By 6 p.m. we had only reached Khatoon Bargah. Spent a wonderful night under one of its summits. Had never been on a summit at 6 p.m. Sunset was beautiful. Very strong winds during the day but that died out at night.
nader - Jul 20, 2005 11:04 am
Route Climbed: Yoonza Pass Date Climbed: June 17, 2005We were planning to climb Kharsang Kooh starting from Garmabdar Village but decided to save ourselves a lot of vertical by going to Yoonza Pass. That however, made the walk much longer. Got off to a lazy late start. Left Yoonza Pass at 10:30 and took a leisurely 1.5 hour break after Oshtor Peak. By 6 p.m. we had only reached Khatoon Bargah. Spent a wonderful night under one of its summits. Had never been on a summit at 6 p.m. Sunset was beautiful. Very strong winds during the day but that died out at night.