League Night, 5.11

League Night, 5.11

  • League Night - 40’- 5.11/
  • My favorite route thus far at Sprocket Rocks (May, 2007). This is an easy route to identify, large green hangers occupy the top 2/3rd of the route. You need to place small gear in a right angled crack to start. The crack goes nicely with a little layback and then dumps you on sparse ground at the first bolt. From there it is tiny, but bomber, crimps and edges through four bolts to a hanging position on chains. You get just a small break or two when you need it to make this a good 5.11 lead for 5.10 climbers. Sprocket Rocks, West Cedar Crags, May, 2007
    Dow Williams
    on May 20, 2007 1:30 pm
    Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
    Image ID: 294607


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