Loafer Mountain (UT) Climber's Log

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hgrapid - Jul 9, 2024 11:01 am Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2024

Not a great trail to the summit  Sucess!

It should be said that the good trail continues on to Santaquin. Loafer is a steep trail from the main trail, and hard to follow from the saddle with Santaquin.


JLuthanen - Jun 27, 2021 5:59 am Date Climbed: Jun 25, 2021

Via the saddle (scramble) between Santaquin  Sucess!

Visiting SLC with Cousin Nicki and I wanted to hit some local 10K peaks. Made a loop of this via taking some goat trails at the saddle from Santaquin, going up Loafer, and then down the easier + more standard route on the face. Only saw one other hiker and even dodged afternoon thunderstorms. 50s, sunny, and windy up top. Beautiful day


utahjimk - Sep 30, 2020 5:12 pm Date Climbed: Sep 30, 2020

via Loafer Mountain trail  Sucess!

with Dennis. We hiked Santaquin Peak first, then this one. A fine hike. (2) 13 June 2021: hiked this one first, then Santaquin, with WMC group.


Clubbox42 - Dec 22, 2018 7:58 pm Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2018

Loafer ('18)  Sucess!

Great, if difficult, hike. Very scenic, great views from the top, pretty area, just don't do it in the middle of the day after running a 10K race. Also leave the trail sooner rather than later on the final summit pitch, the way we went was insanely steep. And definitely hit up Santaquin as well, it's a nicer peak. Good hike, would recommend


LazyJSkwires - Jun 18, 2017 9:11 pm Date Climbed: Jun 18, 2017

Tired  Sucess!

My original plan was to bag both Loafer and Santaquin in a day but the steep snowfields on the north side made me turn around. And by around I mean back to the top of Loafer, which I had already summitted. Since I came from the cutoff route I ended up with 5300+ feet of elevation thanks to a double summit on one peak. Guess I'll be back for Santaquin


AbinadiWitness - May 24, 2016 5:58 pm Date Climbed: Oct 10, 2014

Fun in the Wasatch  Sucess!


Jana D Timpson Huggins - Jul 18, 2015 12:59 am Date Climbed: May 16, 2015

Loafer Mountain  Sucess!

Loafer has its moments of difficulty, but its awesome and beautiful and worth the effort.


McKenna - Dec 22, 2014 12:24 pm Date Climbed: Oct 31, 2009

I wore my mountaineering costume  Sucess!

Lots of snow for Halloween. There were even cornices on top. Just walked up from the Payson Canyon road. Ask Anders for details.


Moogie737 - Aug 26, 2014 10:51 pm Date Climbed: Aug 26, 2014

No loafing on this hike  Sucess!

#1 8-26-14 Enjoyed bagging this one following the climb to Santaquin Peak. Description of the trail was very good. IVD #2 8-4-15 W/ Brent. Came down the west shoulder and I highly recommend this route both up and down, depending upon your tastes. IVD


yadahzoemtn - Jul 5, 2014 7:34 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2014

Two-fer  Sucess!

Hot but beautiful day in the mountains with the pups - Miko and Nala. Got Santaquin and then dropped down and ascended up to Loafer Mountain.


scgrant - Sep 10, 2013 7:04 pm Date Climbed: Sep 10, 2013

Loafer Mountain  Sucess!

9/10/2013 Climbed Loafer and Santaquin. Very windy, stormy, cold conditions once at the ridgeline. From about 9500 feet on up I was hiking in very thick clouds with visibility ranging from 2 feet to 20 feet. Even with no views what so ever it was a great hike.


vanman798 - Apr 9, 2012 11:49 am Date Climbed: Apr 7, 2012

Along with Santaquin Peak  Sucess!

April 7, 2012. Took the NW ridge of Santaquin peak up from Woodland hills. It took us 5.5 hours to reach Santaquin Peak, then 1 hour to Loafer Peak. Descent time was 2.25 hours via the right fork of Maple Canyon. On this map http://tinyurl.com/88lp8b9 we followed A-C to peak 1, C-E to peak 2, and E-G back to A for the descent.


PrinceOfNorway - Oct 21, 2011 5:47 pm Date Climbed: Oct 31, 2009

Happy Halloween Loafer!  Sucess!

Did this peak on Halloween. There was plenty of snow on top, but it was worth it. Thanks Loafer. I have now climbed this mountain 3 times. Woot!


kteichert - Oct 4, 2011 9:52 pm Date Climbed: Oct 4, 2011

Great Two-fer  Sucess!

Went up the Loafer Mountain Ridge trail to the summit of Loafer. Took me 2 hours and 03 mins to go the 5.5 miles to the top. Was gonna descend the ridge and go down the trail that led down the canyon. But wanted to do Santaquin Peak too. So I headed up Santaquin. And then when I got back to the saddle, I took trail 122 across the face of Loafer and went down the trail that led down the canyon to check out that route. It was steep and pretty, and would be a nice way to go up and more direct. But there is an additional 650 feet you have to regain on the way back where the trail merges at the corral. The other way wasn't much shorter but added some big elevation gain. I wouldn't go that way in the future. I'd stick with the Loafer Mountain Ridge up and down, especially if you're going to do Santaquin.


rmjwinters - Sep 21, 2011 2:24 pm Date Climbed: Sep 17, 2011

Loafer Mtn Trail  Sucess!

Hiked via Loafer Mtn trail. Followed good trail to Santaquin Pk summit and then hit summit of Loafer on return.


runbyu1 - Oct 23, 2010 7:34 pm Date Climbed: Oct 20, 2010

The "7 Peaks" Conquered  Sucess!

This was the last of "The 7 Peaks" for me! I was really surprised by the well maintained trail (until the scramble). Very runnable and quite fun although don't be fooled by the 3,000ft of vertical, the undulations make it more like 4,000 and it's surprisingly long. It was very foggy and we did Santaquin first then scrambled up the back side---the fog was so thick at the summit that we got within 15 feet of a dozen Mountain goats (huddled around the summit rocks) before we saw each other---needless to say they scurried off in a hurry while we grabbed pictures of them. We HAMMERED the descent in less than an hour. We were 1:33 to the top of Santaquin and then another 30 minutes between there and Loafer Summit---keep in mind we were running.


ZeeJay - Oct 8, 2010 12:06 am Date Climbed: Oct 7, 2010

Loafer Mt Trail  Sucess!

Last peak of the day. Also did Bald Mt, 10421, Twin Knolls, and Santaquin. The day started out merely gloomy, but by the time I got over here the weather was down right nasty. The wind was very strong and blew the fog around and it was surreal to see peaks appear for just a few seconds at a time. I enjoyed the hike even though the weather was bad and would gladly redo Santaquin and Loafer some other time.


tmcrane - Jun 28, 2010 12:34 pm Date Climbed: Jun 15, 2010

via Loafer Mtn Trail  Sucess!

Still quite a bit of snow near the top which made for a fun ascent and even better glissade down! Wanted to hit Santaquin as well, but wasn't ready for the traverse across steep snow fields on the north face of Loafer.


thigbee - Feb 2, 2010 8:06 pm Date Climbed: Aug 2, 2009

Good fun  Sucess!

Did this along with Spanish Fork peak. Did SF first then headed up this guy. Beautiful weather made for a great day out.


Scott - Nov 16, 2009 7:26 pm Date Climbed: Jul 4, 1996

Loafer  Sucess!

My wife and I climbed this on the same hike as Santiquin (we camped on top of Santiquin though it isn't a great campsite). We came up the old Mud Hollow route because we were unaware of the new trail up the mountain.

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