Mount Defiance Climber's Log

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Dundeel - Jul 31, 2021 7:40 am Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2021

Drive up  Sucess!

The last 1.5 miles of summit road are high clearance, tough tires, and 4x4 due to steepness. Gate was open which may not always be the case.


Kemp - Jul 17, 2017 10:22 am Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2017

Steep!  Sucess!

Did this one as a conditioning hike, but without poles. Killed my knees going down.


BooRadley - Jul 20, 2015 11:03 pm Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2014

Fun hike on the Gorge  Sucess!

Great views of the Gorge on the descent.


ScottHanson - Jul 19, 2014 11:26 am Date Climbed: Jul 18, 2014

Trail needs maintenance  Sucess!

I did Starvation Ridge trail up and came down Defiance trail. It took me 3hr 50min up and 2hr 50 min down. Throw in a 25 min lunch and the whole the car to car time is just over 7 hours. Th lower stretches of Defiance Trail need trail work from tree blow down that as wiped out short sections of the trail. Very easy to lose your footing, although strategic vine maple give you something to hang on to.


idahomtnhigh - Jul 13, 2014 12:26 am Date Climbed: Jul 12, 2014

Great Night  Sucess!

Was making a trip to Eugene and decided to trow this summit in. Started up the trail at 9:15PM and reached the summit at 1:15AM. Hiked the whole thing and never used our headlamps. It was the night before the full moon, so we had great views of Hood and Adams.
4 Hours up
3 Hours down
7 Hours Round Trip


mastercoog - May 7, 2014 1:13 pm Date Climbed: Apr 29, 2014

Dominated THE DEFIANT  Sucess!

summited after 4.5 hours of climbing. trail finding was not difficult and snow started at 3500ft. snow was in good condition for walking. clear day with steller views.


bellinghamclimber - Jan 1, 2014 9:38 pm Date Climbed: Jan 1, 2014

Great New Year's Day Hike  Sucess!

I ushered in the new year with a loop up the Starvation Ridge trail to the top of the mountain, then down the Starvation Falls Trail. Beautiful views of the NW volcanoes, but definitely a steep hike!


greglief - Oct 9, 2013 8:00 pm Date Climbed: Oct 6, 2013

Starvation Ridge up, Defiance Trail down  Sucess!

Both routes are incredibly steep, so I arbitrarily decided to do the loop clockwise. Today was clear, so I had terrific views of MSH, Rainier, Adams, and Hood. The summit is a bit anticlimactic because of the communications equipment, but I do not regret doing this hike (even with my thighs burning for 48 hours afterwards despite using trekking poles).


aaron5875 - Oct 1, 2012 11:45 am Date Climbed: Sep 29, 2012

Defiance Loop  Sucess!

Beautiful day for a grueling hike! We went up the Starvation Ridge and returned on Defiance Trail. Left the car at 8:30 and made the summit by a little after noon. Back to the car (man, I hate that down!) at 3:45pm for a respectable 7:15 round trip.


Cambot - Jul 3, 2012 10:04 pm Date Climbed: Jun 17, 2012

Starvation Ridge  Sucess!

Patchy snow near the top, looped back down Defiance Trail. Good fitness hike!


nicozone - Apr 20, 2012 9:57 am Date Climbed: May 28, 2011

Triple D Attempt  Sucess!

I hiked to the top of Defiance, after having topped out on Dog Mountain earlier in the day. This was part of an attempt to complete the Triple D (Dog Mountain, Mt. Defiance, Devil's Rest in a day). I got the first two done, but had to bail on the last one due to some pain and discomfort in the knees of my friend (who also happened to be my ride home).

techboy - Aug 23, 2009 11:19 pm Date Climbed: Aug 22, 2009

Favorite Hike in the area  Sucess!

I've climbed this route so many times since 2002 that I've lost count - more than 30, for sure. I took a break from climbing and hiking for about 3 years after my first born came around and I've lost a lot of fitness since then. Nevertheless, this hike never fails to cripple me for a few days afterwards. This year is the first since my self-imposed sabbatical.

August 1st,2009 - I did this trail as 3500' alternative instead of the usual Ruckle Ridge hike. Up Defiance trail to the Mitchell point trail junction - about 3700' elevation gain. Went down Starvation and took the Starvation Ridge cutoff trail. This was a mistake -you'd think I would have learned after so many times that Starvation up and Defiance down is the way to go. It was particularly hot (90's) and I didn't have enough water. The whole experience was unpleasant.

August 8, 2009 - Went up Starvation to the summit and back down Defiance. Passed by a couple of gentlemen trying to find fish in warren lake and also a couple of groups of campers. Couple guys blew past me at around 3000'. 3:45 to the summit, about 3:30 down, 'cos some severe iliotibial issues made it painful slow going. As I was heading down defiance trail, the same two guys who blew past me at 3K were going back UP for a two-fer. I wanted to trip them.

August 22, 2009 - Went up the standard way, starvation ridge. Spent about 30 min futzing about at 1000' w/ equipment (yah, you really can download iphone apps out there). Parking to summit 4:15, down defiance trail, 3:30. Same issue as last time, thought a couple weeks would do the trick but, nope.

I love this trail!

Trevin Ziegler

Trevin Ziegler - May 29, 2009 8:11 pm Date Climbed: Aug 5, 2006

Route Climbed: Starvation Ridge Up, Defiance Trail Down  Sucess!

A good conditioning trail but other then that, naw! If you're going for the view then you might as well drive up the road that leads to the summit. It sort of takes the allure out of it. Also, beware of random hippies. They lurk heavy in these parts. Experiences range from the frightening trot to flop to the benign sleeping in the car. Just be prepared!


zygomatic - Dec 26, 2008 10:29 pm Date Climbed: Dec 1, 2008

Steep and long  Sucess!

Wow, really steep and long hike. Free of snow except very small patches at the very top (pre huge NW snowstorm 2008). Weird radio tower at the top (they just drive up???), but awesome views. It was a bland hike until the the last mile or so, where the terrain was markedly more alpine and interesting. The hike took about 7 hours. I had budgeted about 6.5 and was glad that we had flashlights...


BCJ - Sep 2, 2008 4:29 am Date Climbed: Jun 14, 2008

Still a lot of snow  Sucess!

Went up and down Starvation Ridge. Solid snow above Warren Lake.


oso1212 - Aug 14, 2008 12:50 am Date Climbed: Aug 13, 2008

South Side  Sucess!

Southside trail. Left at 6:00pm got back to the car before dark. We were the only ones out at that time. The drive was nice.


lalpinist - Jun 16, 2008 1:55 pm Date Climbed: May 24, 2008

Foggy  Sucess!

Snowy above 3,000 feet.


BSPclimber - Sep 3, 2007 12:51 pm Date Climbed: Sep 2, 2007

South trail  Sucess!

Decided to tag this on the way home from Lost Lake. 45 minutes up, 30 down. Great views to the east and south from the summit. Quite a few people on the trail, but that is to be expected on Labor Day weekend. Nice little trail, recommended if you're in the area.


Rockawilliam - Aug 22, 2007 2:34 am

Starvation Ridge/Defiance Trail  Sucess!

The ultimate test of your physical fitness before mountain season begins. I enjoyed the Starvation Ridge a lot more, but it adds mileage to go this way. The summit views are enhanced by climbing the NW tower as high as you feel comfortable.


mrbynum - Jul 3, 2007 4:28 pm Date Climbed: Jun 2, 2007

Starvation Ridge  Sucess!

It was a great climb with my fiance and 2 friends. The weather was fantastic although a bit on the hot side in the afternoon. The view of Hood was fantastic, although a bit hazy. About 500 ft below the summit I ended up with the worst leg cramp I've experienced. We decided to take the longer loop around the west side of the mountain rather than the direct final ascent. Saw the coolest old tree with a million roots growing out and covering the surrounding rock field. (I'll try and post a photo soon) Overall it was a great hike!

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