Mount Elbert Climber's Log

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dino61111 - Jan 31, 2015 1:33 pm

From Elbert campground  Sucess!

After a long climb Mt. Massive the day before, somehow we managed to make it up Elbert via trail. I'm more used to altitude and the rigors of climbing; however I suspect this would still be quite an undertaking even now. It was a gorgeous day and I can remember thinking after this trip that the mountains were where I wanted to be as much as possible. I was hooked!


HawkeyeHuff - Jan 26, 2015 4:47 am Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2003

Mt Elbert  Sucess!

After flying in the night before from Alaska and spending the night at the youth hostel in Leadville, I hit the trailhead at 7:20am on an overcast morning. I immediately felt the effects of altitude as I struggled up the trail with many brief stops along the way. As I approached treeline (about 11,600 elevation) it began to rain and many hikers gathered in the protection of the edge of the trees to consider their options. Some of us continued on as the rain let up. After climbing onto the ridge and then reaching the first false summit - a large rock heap - we encountered rain once again, then sleet. After waiting for a half hour with a handful of other determined hikers, the skies began to clear up and we proceeded on to the summit, reaching it in georgeous weather at 11:40 - 4 1/2 hours after my start. Not too bad considering how tough it was on me. Among those who waited out the weather with me were Keith Gogan and Beth from Tulsa (Keith teaches backpacking at Oral Roberts U & Beth had been one of Keith's students. And Larry and Carol from Colorado as well as Larry's mother, Rebecca, joined us and made the top. Rebecca, from Tucson, has a fear of heights and had never done anything like this before. What an accomplishment for her! The view from the top was spectacular. After staying for 20 minutes I scampered back down and got to my car in 2 hours.

Steve Hufford
Anchorage, AK USA


siekkid - Jan 7, 2015 1:50 pm Date Climbed: Aug 1, 1996

1st State HP!  Sucess!

This was a terrific hike with my best friend Chris... a couple of 18 year olds without a care in the world! Spent 3 weeks in Leadville


captain.ron - Jan 5, 2015 2:50 am Date Climbed: Jul 17, 2014

Highest point so far  Sucess!

A long tiring hike for a flat lander!


McKenna - Dec 22, 2014 12:11 pm Date Climbed: May 8, 2010

Guess I should learn to ski  Sucess!

Everyone thought we were crazy for not having skis. Time to learn. The walk down wasn't so bad.

rockymountain_guac - Oct 22, 2014 8:20 pm Date Climbed: Jul 25, 2014

Way up  Sucess!

Colorados Tallest!!!!! Twisted my ankle but still made it up and down.


B-Grooms - Oct 15, 2014 6:12 pm Date Climbed: Oct 13, 2014

1 Win 1 Loss in 2 days  Sucess!

I started out climbing on the 12th and got turned away at 12,600' due to high wind and white out conditions. Went back up the next day on the 13th, the day was clear, winds at the summit were about 30 mph, lots of fresh snow. Above 13,000' post hole up to the knees in some places. on the way down we caught some snow drifts and sunk to the waist in a couple places as well. Overall, beautiful up there, cold, windy, fresh powder, made for a challenge. Saw some mountain lion tracks above 12,000'. great climb

Dirty Dan

Dirty Dan - Oct 8, 2014 11:52 pm Date Climbed: Aug 1, 2014

First 14er  Sucess!

This was my first 14er and I look forward to more in the future.

Tom Fralich

Tom Fralich - Sep 10, 2014 11:32 pm Date Climbed: Sep 10, 2014

North Elbert-South Elbert Loop  Sucess!

Started at the North Elbert Trailhead and went up the NE Ridge to the summit, then down the South Elbert Trail and back to where we started on the Colorado Trail. This made for a very nice loop hike. The aspens on the South Elbert Trail were amazing.

Adam Doc Fox

Adam Doc Fox - Aug 26, 2014 10:50 am Date Climbed: Aug 24, 2014

Pony Keg  Sucess!

On my descent passed a guy with a pony keg: "My last 14-er in Colorado; come drink with me at the top." Amazing feat but I declined.
High Point #11.


HedUp - Aug 12, 2014 6:46 pm Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2014

Too much booze over the weekend!  Sucess!

Standard route. Felt terrible! Think the wedding reception I was at caught up to me! Nice day though.


birdhead - Aug 4, 2014 10:29 am Date Climbed: Aug 1, 2014

Snow in August  Sucess!

Climbed the standard Northeast Ridge route. All was uneventful except the snowstorm that blanketed the mountain above 13,500 feet.


funnyfarm - Jul 29, 2014 9:16 am Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2014

Spectacular Day  Sucess!

Did Elbert as part of a loop with Wheeler (NM) and Humphreys (AZ). Weather could not have been better. It was my third high mountain in 5 days and my legs were "feeling it". Met a great group of guys from Ohio. Might not have made it without them. Thanks guys!
My 14th high point.


thechemistryquestion - Jul 28, 2014 11:55 pm Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2014

First Fourteener  Sucess!

Took 9 hours round trip, but I successfully conquered my first fourteener.

Climbing Jack

Climbing Jack - Jul 21, 2014 8:46 pm Date Climbed: Jul 30, 2008

First Summit  Sucess!

Partly Cloudy day


nsward - Jul 21, 2014 2:24 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 2013

Nice Hike  Sucess!

Hiked up with some friends, for whom this was their first 14er. Elbert is a taxing hike, but without exposure; a great introduction to 14ers, as long as people are in decent shape.


Hagen - Jul 12, 2014 11:41 am Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2014

60 hours from sea level to summit  Sucess!

Day one: Milled around Elbert Creek Campground to get used to the elevation.

Day two: Climbed to 13,000' to acclimitize.

Day three: Made the summit and headed back down as the afternoon boomers formed up.


BradBartick - Jun 21, 2014 7:59 pm Date Climbed: Jun 20, 2014

Sick as dog  Sucess!

Michelle and I summited but I was sick for two days prior and had zero energy from step one so time and quality of the journey is unmemorable.


MikeyB - Jun 9, 2014 10:40 am Date Climbed: Jun 8, 2014

Box Couloirs  Sucess!

Had the Box Couloirs all to myself with the snow in great shape for climbing! I had perhaps the wackiest weather day out with a bit of everything (tornado touched down in Fairplay that day)


atomiccows1 - May 5, 2014 7:46 pm Date Climbed: May 3, 2014

Spring has Sprung  Sucess!

My second 14er, and first solo. WOOO!

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