Mount Elbert Climber's Log

Viewing: 41-60 of 767

dmcm - Mar 21, 2019 6:46 pm Date Climbed: Sep 12, 2018

Beautiful day  Sucess!

Came from the east to hike a mountain and decided on this one. I stayed in Leadville for a day to get acclimated to the altitude (my home elevation is about 300 feet above sea level). It took me all day, but I consider it an accomplishment for a 70 year old.

tref95 - Mar 8, 2019 10:51 am Date Climbed: Jul 10, 2018

First 14er  Sucess!

Beautiful weather. Used the NorthEast Ridge Trail.


eli.boardman - Dec 27, 2018 10:26 am Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2018

Finished the 14ers  Sucess!

Final 14er on both the standard list of 58 named peaks and the unofficial list of 74 fourteeners; via Black Cloud Trail

Matt McCullough

Matt McCullough - Dec 2, 2018 8:36 am Date Climbed: Jul 9, 2018

Mt. Elbert and daydreaming of snowboarding  Sucess!

Nice hike to summit before noon on a beautiful cool and clear summer day. Was thinking about how the long moderate slopes along the northeastern approach trail would make for good snowboarding possibilities in the Winter. In order to get an early start I slept the night before in the back of my Prius a couple of miles below the trailhead at public campsite beside Halfmoon Road (C.R. 110).


billydheyhey - Nov 19, 2018 8:37 am Date Climbed: Jun 4, 2016

HP #14!  Sucess!

Snow-covered in early June. Tough for a day hike I would say, but was definitely worth it seeing all the other snow-covered mountain tops of the Rockies from the summit. One of my favorite HP summit views!


PhriendlyCody - Oct 22, 2018 1:50 pm Date Climbed: Jun 1, 2018

First 14er  Sucess!

First full day in Colorado was spent hiking Elbert. Awesome hike, slept like a baby that night.

awilk7 - Aug 21, 2018 2:11 pm Date Climbed: Aug 18, 2018

Calm Before the Storm  Sucess!

Our party of 3 started from the East Ridge upper 4x4 traihead at about 3 am, arriving at the summit by 7:30 am. It was cool, with a steady wind on the ascent.

The summit was clear and beautiful, but Mt Massive and all the other peaks to the north, west, and south were already wrapped in cloud cover, so we quickly descended after a few summit photos.

Rain (but no lightning) started not long after we dropped from the summit block, continuing for most of our descent. We made it back to the car by about 10:30 am, for a 7.5 hour trip total.


Sjboatwright - Aug 13, 2018 3:18 pm

The Roof of Colorado  Sucess!

Fun climb, minus the false summits that will leave you spitting mad atbsome points.

Ted Bauer

Ted Bauer - Jul 30, 2018 1:26 pm Date Climbed: Jul 28, 2018

Me & a few of my 100 plus closest friends.  Sucess!

Beautiful day and mountain. Took the NE trail. Up and down in a little under 6 hours.
Definately no chance for solitude as there were literally hundreds of people on the mountain. It looked more like a pilgrimage than an outdoor experience.


BrackenVSpencer - Jul 18, 2018 10:58 am Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2005

4th of July Celebration  Sucess!

Wife and I hiked fairly quick trip up and back, but great weather


DukeJH - Jul 17, 2018 2:19 pm Date Climbed: Jul 10, 2018

Northeast Ridge  Sucess!

6 hours car to car. Kind of a slog after Sneffels, Torreys, and Grays.


larvitar - Jul 10, 2018 3:32 pm Date Climbed: Jul 3, 2018

Was Not (Yet?) On Fire  Sucess!

Started from the lower lot around 4:15 am and was the first to summit from the base of the South Elbert Trail on this warm, dry early-summer morning. Smoke was rising from somewhere in the southern Mosquito Range, but other than that the skies were clear. And the new sustainable path (switchbacks below treeline) does add some distance but not much time, I'd guess, since it keeps the incline gentler.


rtgomez90 - Jul 9, 2018 2:14 pm Date Climbed: Jul 8, 2018

NE Ridge  Sucess!

Alpine start. 7.5 hours car to car

Garon Coriz

Garon Coriz - Jul 7, 2018 10:14 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2018

Smoke Like A Bloke  Sucess!

Hiked with Aya on a morning with considerable smoke from nearby fires. Luckily, in the morning, the inversion kept the bad air below 12,000 feet. The new sustainable path added a little distance but seemed worth the trouble. I had to carry Tyler in the pack on the way down because of trashed paws.

urraca man

urraca man - Jul 5, 2018 2:36 pm Date Climbed: May 24, 2018

Great Hike  Sucess!

Got a later start than I wanted (7 o'clock) in the morning and I was not originally intending on going all the way to the summit. I was planning on just doing an acclimatization hike but I felt so good that I just kept going higher and higher. I was lacking food but I just kept going and going. The false summits were tough but the summit came pretty quickly (3 hours to the top from the trail head). I got a head ache but I made it. What a wonderful day!


tehbea5t - Jun 23, 2018 6:29 pm Date Climbed: Jun 23, 2018

Elbert  Sucess!

Did this today with a buddy of mine visiting from out of state. Think the gentle giant was a shock for him


marciamallow - May 26, 2018 12:24 pm Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2010

HP #5  Sucess!



Kristalea - Apr 17, 2018 12:59 pm Date Climbed: Jun 10, 2017

Highpoint #9  Sucess!

Via the Northeast-Ridge. The weather was beautiful. A lot of people climbing that day. Stayed in Leadville the night before.

mh5717 - Mar 24, 2018 8:52 pm Date Climbed: Jun 5, 2013

via North Mt Elbert Trail  Sucess!

I lived in Leadville at the time, I remember being very excited and happy to go to the mountains. It was so beautiful, snow on top and a few others were coming down when I summited on clear sunny day with my dog Dakota.


ToTheHeights - Feb 13, 2018 8:21 pm

Elbert  Sucess!

07/14 w/Cory Martin

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