Mount Elbert Climber's Log

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Pivvay - Aug 21, 2008 11:07 am Date Climbed: Jul 9, 2008

State highpoint  Sucess!

Strangely enough this one wasn't pressing on my 'list' but Marni wanted to do it. Turbo, Marni and I went up the day after Massive and it was a nice hike on a great trail. I guess it does make a new elevation PR for me as well.


gbrill - Aug 20, 2008 12:47 am Date Climbed: Jun 13, 2004

missed the trail

After some car trouble, we headed out before dawn only to find that we had missed the Continental Divide and had taken an old dirt road to the other side of one of the sister mountains. will come back and try again. Edit: came back and made it a year later.

Scrambling Man

Scrambling Man - Aug 9, 2008 6:00 pm Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2008

Clouded In  Sucess!

Just had to do it and check it off the list. Seemed there were a lot of other people with the same idea.

mattpierce - Aug 8, 2008 4:03 pm Date Climbed: Aug 25, 2007

S Elbert Trail  Sucess!

Great day out with some friends to the top of Colorado

Pete Castricone

Pete Castricone - Aug 6, 2008 12:23 am Date Climbed: Aug 5, 2008

Better than working  Sucess!

Mosquitos to 13k feet. They even got inside my shirt. The trail is a bit touristy for my tastes, and the walk back to the car is long. But, it's better than working. I'd post my time, but seriously...who cares.


sistinas - Aug 4, 2008 5:33 pm Date Climbed: Jul 31, 2008

South Mt Elbert Trail  Sucess!

Third 14er in three days. Wonderful day, and there weren't many people on the trail, though we were greeted by a lot of people on the summit who'd come up via the Northeast Ridge. I was almost eaten alive by mosquitoes on the way down. Make sure to eat your recovery meal at Quincy's in Leadville - can't beat the $10 steak and the cheap drinks!

northface28 - Aug 4, 2008 12:38 pm Date Climbed: Aug 1, 2008

All to Myself  Sucess!

Started hiking at 5:15. Passed 3 parties and had the summit to myself. My first 14er. Round trip took a little less than 5 hours. Make sure you are in shape for this one or it will take you all day.


brookeok - Aug 3, 2008 11:45 pm Date Climbed: Jul 23, 2008

Wonderful!  Sucess!

This was a great climb. Meet some people including a few families on the way up, but it didn't seem crowded. Saw plenty of curious marmots on the way up. It was a good work out but I finally made it to the top. There were a good bit of people at the top including a youth group. Everyone was nice and cordial. Typical bad weather rolled in and most of the people headed back down. It dropped to 38 at the top. We endured a brief hail and rain storm and escaped the worst of the weather on the way down. The views at the top were unreal. Can't wait to do it again.


cp0915 - Aug 3, 2008 6:43 pm Date Climbed: Jun 22, 2008

NE Ridge  Sucess!

After warming up on a rather snowy Blarney Peak the day before, I slogged up this big dog with DB and Andy Mac. A very crowded route.


Dean - Aug 1, 2008 11:07 pm Date Climbed: Jul 31, 2008

Northeast ridge  Sucess!

Even on a thursday, there were a lot of hikers on this one. Perfect weather allowed me to spend over an hour on the summit.
Great hike, great mountain, great day. 4 hours up, 2 hours down.


dunking_deutschman - Jul 30, 2008 12:07 am Date Climbed: Jul 27, 2008

Sawatch  Sucess!

Took my little brother up this mountain for his first ever summit hike anywhere. The trail up the northeast ridge is straightforward but consistently steep. The views from the summit were much better than I expected after researching this hike. Just beautiful. My 7th "fourteener" success story and one I will surely remember for the rest of my life.


mancopa - Jul 22, 2008 2:39 pm Date Climbed: Jul 16, 2008

First 14er  Sucess!

Went up over South elbert and Elbert. This was my first CO 14er. It was a great hike. Pretty much alone until we hit the top of Elbert.


mlandau3 - Jul 21, 2008 2:27 am Date Climbed: Jul 16, 2008

My First 14er  Sucess!

It was like Grand Central Station at the summit. Lots of people. We had chosen the south trailhead and didn't see many people until we approached the summit. Excellent views in every direction.


dwhike - Jul 14, 2008 12:25 pm Date Climbed: Jun 30, 2008

Unbelievable First...  Sucess!

First 14-er for my wife and I. What an incredible place. Took the NE Ridge Route which was pleasantly well-travelled. The elevation took its toll a bit on us flatlanders(or it could be I'm getting older) but what an amazing reward at the top...snow-covered peaks in every direction! Had blue skies at the summit but was thundering by the time we reached treeline, our timing couldn't have been better. One of my most memorable to make the trip report...


friday - Jul 10, 2008 9:38 am Date Climbed: Jun 24, 2008

Top of Colorado!  Sucess!

I stayed 3 days acclimating at the Elbert Creek Campground before setting out. I started out at around 5:30 and went at a nice pace until the steep start up the first false summit, at around 13,300. The lack of oxygen was very noticeable and the higher I went, the more I seemed to slow down and take more breaks. But, before I knew it, I was reaching each of the false summits, and soon enough, reached the summit. The view from up there is just incredible, much more than words can describe.

I met up with another hiker from Indianapolis on the summit, and agreed to walk down with her. This made the descent much better, having someone to converse with the entire time.

I'm back in Michigan, but I cant wait to get back to Colorado!


thexcat - Jul 9, 2008 12:53 pm Date Climbed: Jun 30, 2008

Standard Route  Sucess!

Left early and made summit with brother rather fast. We had the summit to ourselves for 30 minutes (if you don't count the marmots). Nice.


PapaBanucci - Jul 5, 2008 10:30 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2008

Hiked with Older Two Kids  Sucess!

Forecast was rain but the weather was nice. We spent an hour and a half at the summit.


eric-griz - Jul 5, 2008 7:55 pm Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2008

First Fourteener  Sucess!

North Mt. Elbert Trail. It was a tough hike up to the top of Colorado.

Seth Maciejowski

Seth Maciejowski - Jun 24, 2008 10:17 pm Date Climbed: Jun 16, 2008

Northeast Ridge Great Peak!  Sucess!

An awesome peak! Amazing views and a beautiful hike up the northeast ridge. I can't say enough about how awesome of a hike this one is!


panhandler - May 16, 2008 7:57 pm Date Climbed: May 8, 2006

First Colorado Summit!

Summitted on my birthday in pretty nasty weather. 50 - 60 mph winds and whiteout, but kept on to the summit. Fun climb, but not much more than a long snow slog/hike.

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