Mount Langley Climber's Log

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ConnorMach10 - Jul 16, 2024 6:00 pm Date Climbed: Jul 10, 2024

First 14er, Mount Langley  Sucess!

Hiked Langley as a 24 mile day hike from Horseshoe Meadow campground. I took New Army pass where nearly all the snow had melted making it a really easy and scenic hike. Completed the hike in just under 9 hours.


stepho - Oct 24, 2022 2:10 pm Date Climbed: Oct 16, 2022

Via OAP  Sucess!

Hiked via Old Army Pass (mostly clear) and an extremely alpine start of around midnight. Very cold!


salad - Oct 5, 2022 1:06 pm Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2022

Good to be back..  Sucess!

Pretty slow at 11:30 car to car (I did it in 2006 in 8.5 hours). But a great day and my first time back in the Sierra in about 8 years. Late start and the last two hours were in the dark.


yadahzoemtn - Jun 3, 2021 9:54 am Date Climbed: May 27, 2021

Beautiful Sequoia National Forest  Sucess!

I absolutely loved this area. I must do more in the Sierras in the future.


Moogie737 - Jun 1, 2021 7:40 am Date Climbed: May 27, 2021

Horseshoe Meadows TH, New Army Pass  Sucess!

#1 05-27-21 W/ Lana. Camped at Long Lake. Lingering snow at the top of the switchbacks made finding New Army Pass tricky. We missed it and had to do a bit of 3rd Class scrambling to attain the pass. Once there we could see the New Army Pass sign! From there it was a lengthy slog in sand, wind and cairn sighting. But well worth the effort. We were the first ones on the summit but not the last; we met many hikers as we descended.

Julian Bennett - Dec 29, 2020 11:09 pm Date Climbed: Jul 26, 2020

My first 14'er  Sucess!

Cool trail run/hike and great summit views


Romain - Jun 30, 2020 12:11 am Date Climbed: Jun 21, 2020

From New Army Pass  Sucess!

As a bonus on the way back from a 5 day trip to the Miter Basin - the last time I was there was 18 years ago. Crowded summit, even relatively early in the day. Trip report.


cdog - Sep 13, 2019 8:40 pm Date Climbed: Sep 4, 2019

summer 2019  Sucess!

nice hike in between storms. Left Long Lake at 0315 via New Army Pass, and returned ~1000.

R Pollard

R Pollard - Sep 8, 2019 8:09 am Date Climbed: Sep 7, 2019

With my son via Army Pass  Sucess!

Spur of the moment trek up Langley after easily making it up Army Pass. Made for a long day.


utahjimk - Aug 12, 2019 11:19 am Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2019

very nice  Sucess!

with Dennis and Greg (Wasatch Mountain Club). Cottonwood Lakes trail to New Army Pass, back down by (old) Army Pass. I was more into the swing of things, so I enjoyed this hike more than the Whitney hike a couple days before!


cascadescrambler - Jul 29, 2019 9:30 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 1992

Easy  Sucess!

Looked pretty easy from New Army Pass. Decided to do it before going on to Whitney

Ben FR - Jul 6, 2019 7:56 pm Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2019

Langley via NAP  Sucess!

Langley via NAP. Lots of cornice at the pass, ascended the pass via a class 2 scramble a little bit on climber's left of the switchbacks.

lugosi - Sep 12, 2018 8:25 pm Date Climbed: Jun 23, 2018

Beware of mosquitoes  Sucess!

Great first 14,000ft, stayed 1 night at the TH, then headed up to the lakes (had plenty of time to check all of them out) - started summit hike around 6am which put us ahead of the crowd. The views from the summit are breathtaking, and then it's loooong way down..
Beware of mosquitoes.. it ruined our planned stargazing..


Fletch - Sep 10, 2018 1:24 pm Date Climbed: Aug 25, 2018

Solo  Sucess!

Car to car in 12ish hours... no goldens biting either...

Adventure Punk

Adventure Punk - Jul 11, 2018 9:41 am Date Climbed: Jul 5, 2018

Langley Summit  Sucess!

Big 23 mi day out of Cottonwood Lakes TH - lots of fun through Army Pass - great views from the top and super pretty down by the lakes
-Jon U

Pipdm - Jun 26, 2018 10:15 am Date Climbed: Jun 20, 2018

Mt. Langley through New Army Pass  Sucess!

My hiking partner, Rich, and I started at Cottonwood Lakes trailhead.. slept in cars the night of June 18. Hiked in on June 19 to camp at High Lake. We took a look at High Lake and decided Long Lake was less exposed and pitched camp there. 40 lb pack (too much for this geezer) was a load carrying up. Beautiful day. Gorgeous hike. Mosquitoes descended upon us the sun went down. Treated water at well-flowing stream against an incredible mountain landscape, and mountain meadow and lake. On trail at 7am, June 20, and headed up New Army Pass (NAP.). Top part of trail covered in pile of snow, so we maneuvered up through rocks then across a small ledge then up through some more rocks and we were up on the pass (this detour was easier going up then coming down.. coming down on tired rubbery legs and looking, if one so chooses, down on a long drop takes my breath away. I chose not to look).

From NAP, we began the trek up toward Langley. We noticed three hikers cutting the trail across a field (to meet a more defined path headed toward Langley) moving in a direction parallel to Old Army Pass. We balked at this and took the marked trail which lead us toward Soldier Lake, and we became a little confused as the trail kept directing us away and down from our intended destination. We decided to change to a less defined path, which was guarded (and discouraged) by a line of small rocks, back up toward where the previously described path that the cutting hikers were headed. On our way back from the summit we became cutters, as well.
At that point on the way back, I was too spent to argue the point.

Back to our ascent, after a steady slog upwards we started following the cairns up towards the summit plateau and came to a decision. We chose to short cut the access to the top of the plateau, and fire go the suggested cairns route. Not smart. To the eye the climb up through the rocks looked much shorter to access the final walk up to the summit, as opposed to following the cairns. My partner Rich started climbing up through and got about 20-25 feet up ahead of me, reporting back as he went. I got to a place where I worried about getting back down should I decide to change my mind. Rich seemed like he was in his way so I told him to go on, I’d meet him at the top. This meant I would have to make my way down out of the rocks, down the short scree field and take the suggested route marked by cairns, which I did. I was cursing myself for not demanding that we take the marked cairns route in the first place. Plus, we were now split up, the cardinal rule of backcountry hiking, broken.

Long story shorter, I made it up to the summit where I met again with Rich, but not without a healthy dose of worry and speculation.
Follow the cairns! We made it safely back down to Long Lake and hiked out the next morning

FYI - The scree on the upper parts of the trail is deep and challenging, especially going up. Coming down is much easier, but the up part is a workout.

All in all a wonderfully beautiful trip with three days of cloudless blue sky (a blessing at this time of year in the high sierras), but the hike is arguably as tough or tougher than Mt. Whitney, which I was able to successfully summit (day hike) two years ago.

Follow the cairns!

Pipdm - Jun 11, 2018 3:21 pm

Re: Langley via NAP

I was wondering what the condition of the top of New Army Pass is.. snow/ice? Can you cross it with poles as opposed to axe and crampons?
Also, is there snow/ice at the class 2 short cliff section before the plateau approach to the summit?
Thanks for the trip report.

Ben FR - Jun 9, 2018 10:46 pm Date Climbed: Jun 9, 2018

Langley via NAP  Sucess!

Long hike, never thought it would end! Took New Army Pass because Old Army was full of snow. Once over New Army, winds were pretty intense. Felt OK until the grade kicked up meaningfully at ~13,000'. Felt harder than Mt Whitney via trail. Was thinking of tagging Cirque Peak on the way back but was too spent.


SuperChthonic - May 3, 2018 9:13 pm Date Climbed: Oct 22, 2017

Via (Old) Army Pass  Sucess!

Longish or perhaps it’s just my age. Great views from the summit.


allisondianee - Oct 18, 2017 5:55 pm Date Climbed: Sep 9, 2017

Mount Langley Checked off the List  Sucess!

Summited on September 10, 2017! Wrote up a little trip report too! Great weather and awesome views! love this trail!

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