Mount Lincoln Climber's Log

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charles97 - Sep 17, 2002 2:45 pm

Route Climbed: Kite Late Date Climbed: September 3, 2002  Sucess!

Did the standard tripple bagger route from Kite Late. Man, most of the work is getting to Democrat and then going up the ridge toward Lincoln! Once I summitted Lincoln, everything else was just a cake walk. Made summit of Lincoln at 11:25 am.

Fourth of 10 fourteeners in 6 days. #12 overall.


odysseus - Aug 14, 2002 12:43 pm

Route Climbed: Quartzville Creek TH Date Climbed: Aug. 4, 2002  Sucess!

A nice alternative to the crowds coming up from Kite Lake. Also went over to Mt. Cameron while up. This was the 1st of 6 fourteeners that my partner and I bagged over 6 days.

Matt Mahoney

Matt Mahoney - Jul 27, 2002 8:39 am

Route Climbed: Kite Lake-Democrat-Lincoln-Bross Date Climbed: July 25 2002  Sucess!

Good weather. The Cameron-Lincoln-Bross saddles are a joy to run. 3:52 car to car.


wayneaflick - Jun 17, 2002 11:38 pm

Route Climbed: Kite Lake Date Climbed: June 6, 2000  Sucess!

Second assent. The first time I reached the summit I drove to the top of Mt Bross. This time I climbed it with my son Patrick. We climbed Democrat, Cameron, Lincoln and Bross. The weather threatened all day but didn't start raining until I was glissading down off Bross. We planned to climb South Bross but were stopped by the weather.


darinchadwick - Apr 3, 2002 7:32 am

Route Climbed: Democrat-Lincoln-Bross traverse Date Climbed: August 1996  Sucess!

Impress your friends! Climb 3 14ers in a day! Whatever. The camping at Kite Lake is so serene. I don't remember much else, except that Democrat was first, and I was glad I was running down the Bross scree, not climbing up it.

Jim Lombard - Jan 4, 2002 2:37 pm

Route Climbed: Kite Lake 7-13 and road to mines 7-14 Date Climbed: 7-13 and 7-14  Sucess!

Friday the 13th we intended to reach Lincoln and Bross. At the summit of Cameron we were forced to turn back by sleet and high winds. Saturday the 14th we decided upon a new route and just barely reached the summit before the weather pounced on us again with high winds and rain. It was the end of a great week that saw us climb Grey's Torrey's, Sherman, Quandry, Ptarmigan and Peak 8.

spyder550 - Dec 28, 2001 10:58 pm

Route Climbed: Southeast Face I Date Climbed: Aug. 25, 2001  Sucess!

Quite steep until East Ridge. Very good climb/trail that goes through a bunch of shale. Route is not technical. Their are abandoned mines and Kite Lake Trailhead is easy to get to. Climbed Democrat first then went to do Bross after Lincoln but bailed on west slope when it began to snow. Lincoln has a nice summit on top of a cliff.


Zeke - Nov 28, 2001 12:01 pm

Route Climbed: Kite Lake Date Climbed: Several  Sucess!

Good one to train on, do the traverse and stay at altitude for a while. Esp, if your training for Big Peaks!

Did this traverse w/that ex-girlfriend(see Mt. Elbert summit log), but this was before i thought about proposing to her.


steeleman - Oct 28, 2001 5:22 pm

Route Climbed: Montgomery Reservoir Date Climbed: March 1992  Sucess!

Another winter climb on snowshoes in the Mosquito range. Equally good weather this time around. An easy climb, winter or summer.


miztflip - Aug 21, 2001 5:30 pm

Route Climbed: From Democrat Date Climbed: June 9, 1999  Sucess!

Climbed in one day along with Bross and Democrat. Very Easy.

Peter Eliassen

Peter Eliassen - Aug 16, 2001 11:27 am

Route Climbed: Kite Lake Date Climbed: 7/20/97  Sucess!

Easy...easy...easy...and pretty!


jratk - Aug 15, 2001 3:18 pm

Route Climbed: 3 banger route Date Climbed: 8-8-01  Sucess!

great day, took 3 hr. 40 min.


mwalker2 - Jul 29, 2001 1:18 pm

Route Climbed: Montgomery Reservoir Date Climbed: 9/17/00  Sucess!

Tough climb for a short distance - because of the bushwhacking on the way down. Decent, but not spectacular weather, and didn't see a soul on this route until cresting the top of Lincoln, when shazaam! 20 people!. Also bagged Bross the same day.

hsanderson - Jul 16, 2001 9:17 am

Route Climbed: Kite Lake Date Climbed: 7/14/01  Sucess!

Best of the three mountains this day. I hiked them with my girlfriend, daughter, and a couple of friends. My girlfriend and I got married at the summit of Linclon this day! I guess it's all down hill from here.


theplugger - Apr 8, 2001 1:40 pm

Route Climbed: From Kite Lake TH Date Climbed: 8-4-94  Sucess!

We did this one in from the Kite Lake TH, along with the crowds, in the standard trio...Democrat, over to Lincoln, then on to Bross. If in doubt of the route, just join the parade. :-)


kilimanjaro1 - Mar 21, 2001 8:20 pm

Route Climbed: Democrat- Lincoln- Bross loop to Kite Lake Date Climbed: 7-17-94  Sucess!

The best of the 3 mountains that day

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