Mount Shasta Climber's Log

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lefty - Oct 25, 2007 12:23 am Date Climbed: Jun 11, 2006

Avy Gulch  Sucess!

This was my second attempt. I had to turn back at the top of Misery Hill tow years earlier so it felt good to make it all the way this time.


gomez13 - Oct 20, 2007 11:01 am Date Climbed: Apr 15, 2002

Avy Gulch/West Face  Sucess!

Had so much fun going up the gulch with friends mid week {no crowds} I stayed and soloed the West Face a day after.


tombcronin - Oct 18, 2007 12:26 pm Date Climbed: Jul 4, 2003

Fun ride down!  Sucess!

Came down super slushy chute: fun!!


hikerbryan - Oct 2, 2007 11:07 pm Date Climbed: Jun 24, 2006

Avalanche Gulch  Sucess!

Hit the AVG early and made the summit late morning. Snow from the Bunny Flat parking lot all the way to the summit. Way better than scree and rocks. Perfect weather made for a perfect day on the mountain. Views were incredible.


hikinedd - Sep 5, 2007 12:53 am Date Climbed: Jun 17, 2007

Avalanche Gulch  Sucess!

Fourth time up (all Avalanche Gulch). May 2003: bailed near the Heart for fear of avalanche. June, 2004: turned around at the top of Misery Hill from 60 mph winds and bigger gusts. June, 2006: finally made it for the first time. June, 2007: made it all the way second year in a row, this time in an incredibly low snow year. Trails I hadn't known to exist were exposed, including the ambitious half-mile long Olberman Causeway leading up the hill from Horse Camp, and switchbacks all the way up Misery Hill, making that part of the hike considerably easier. This is the first year we've camped on dirt at Helen Lake and filtered water from either a spring or snowmelt running through camp.

A Bit

A Bit - Aug 21, 2007 10:26 pm Date Climbed: Aug 17, 1993

Avalanche Gulch  Sucess!

Headed up from the old ski bowl area with 3 friends on a beautiful morning. 3 of us made the summit 8 hours later with clear skies and light winds.


pkrebs - Aug 20, 2007 6:44 pm Date Climbed: Jun 19, 2006

Avalanche Gulch  Sucess!

A fun climb with a group of friends. We camped at Lake Helen and hit the summit in the morning.


YEM - Aug 20, 2007 4:57 pm Date Climbed: Jul 11, 2006

Avy Gulch  Sucess!

Car to car. Climbed the ridge to the right of Avy Gulch to the backside of the Red Banks and a glacial moat.Since I was solo, the mountain told me to stop, turn around and descend about 1000ft. I continue to the summit on the normal route. Calm at the Red Banks, but the wind above the false summit was enough to knock me over (50mph?). I climbed the final slope with my hands to the ground. What a view!


RockOn - Aug 15, 2007 8:56 pm Date Climbed: Jun 22, 2007

Summit for Someone  Sucess!

Did it for charity (Big City Mountaineers). Can't think of a better way. We stayed in Hidden Valley and did the west face to the summit. This is my first BIG mountain and it kicked my butt.


Sara_Matisse - Aug 11, 2007 12:21 pm

Always something to offer  Sucess!

Have climbed Shasta via Casaval Ridge and the standard Avi Gulch. Casaval ridge is a true classic and must do. Avi Gulch always has something fun and interesting to offer... From scary rock/ice bombs buzzing your head in the dark - to someone with hug legs taking gigantic steps everywhere so you have nowhere to step...:)


mthilgard13 - Aug 9, 2007 3:45 pm Date Climbed: Jun 1, 2007

Scott Harmstead  Sucess!

A long, very long, staircase to the top....suitable for one day.


kovarpa - Aug 7, 2007 3:26 pm Date Climbed: Aug 5, 2007

Hotlum Left Gully  Sucess!

with Miguel. Very windy, but a good, quick climb in less than ideal (not much ice) conditions.


forjan - Aug 6, 2007 1:29 pm Date Climbed: Aug 5, 2007

Hotlum Left Gully Direct  Sucess!

Simulclimbed the Hotlum Left Gully Direct with kovarpa. Started out from our camp at 10,200' at ~ 3:30am. I dropped one of Pavel's short screws on the upper gully and lost an hour roundtrip as I had to downclimb 500 feet to retrieve it. Summited by 10am. Windy & chilly. Back at Northgate trailhead by 4pm. Absolutely awesome burgers & garlic fries at Billy Goats Tavern in town.

Route Climbed: Casaval Ridge
Day Climbed: April 8, 2007

My 3rd time day hiking Casaval Ridge. This time with Rick Kent in 12.5 hrs car-to-car. We started at 2:55AM from Bunny Flat and I summited at 11:50AM. Tough conditions (cold, windy & whiteouts). We encountered whiteout conditions several times that made us stop altogether and wait. In fact, I could have ended up yesterday as another mountaineering statistic. On the descent, I was stuck in a total whiteout while descending what I thought was Misery Hill. Turns out I descended to about 12,700' on the upper Konwakiton Glacier (east side of Shasta). If it wasn't for a clearing, I would have end up at Mud Creek Canyon and falling through a crevasse on the way probably. There was a skier, too, who was next to me but then disappeared from my view while on the whiteout. I later found out that his two other ski buddies were asking for him at Bunny Flat. They said that he was overdue. They called SAR.

Route Climbed: Casaval Ridge
Day Climbed: May 29, 2005

Great surface conditions on Casaval Ridge on May 29, 2005. Started hiking in at 2:30AM from Bunny Flat with awagher and Matthew Holliman. Hard snow crust.....cramponed up all the way to the summit. Matthew and I encountered 35-40mph wind with blowing snow that stinged once it hit our faces; also encountered white-out clouds (we could only see 50 yards ahead; had to stop a few times to wait for the less-than 5 second semi-clearing to get a quick glimpse where to move up next; in fact, we had to wait a few minutes so that I could see the Catwalk; same thing happened just after topping out Casaval. I told Matthew we have to stop right here because I was able to see the drop down to the Whitney Glacier. There we waited several minutes while being hammered by the winds until finally there was a clearing and I could see Misery Hill. From there on, it went smoothly. I reached the summit at 10:57AM with Matthew a few minutes behind as he went up one of those short south-facing chutes just below the summit. Saw only two other people at the top. We started down at 11:25AM. I glissaded from just below the Red Banks to within a few hundred yards of Lake Helen. Back at Bunny Flat at 1:50PM where awagher had beer waiting for us. Later met up with rhyang at Lalo's restaurant in town for an early dinner.

Route Climbed: Casaval Ridge
Date Climbed: May 30, 2004

After climbing Lassen Peak on Saturday 5/29/04 as a warm-up, I climbed Casaval solo in a day. I guess I was dragging *ss because it took me 10 hrs to summit. I left Bunny Flat at 2:30AM and made the summit around 12:30PM. Stayed there for 40 minutes just watching all the crowds. It was very windy for most of the route. In fact in the flat section just below Misery Hill, the wind almost knocked me off balance a few times. I left the summit at 1:10PM. I put my diaper trash bag around my butt just below the Red Banks and glissaded down to Lake Helen in like 20 minutes. It was a blast! Past Lake Helen, I continued glissading as much as I could. I got back to my car at Bunny Flat a few minutes past 3:30PM. Changed clothes and drove down to Lalo's for a mexican feast.

Route Climbed: Hotlum-Bolam Ridge
Date Climbed: June 15, 2003

A great north side climb of Mount Shasta. We were a team of 5: Mike (mdostby), Alex (agorokhov), Jim (jimconsid), Ralph and myself. We started the approach hike on Saturday June 14th and made camp around 10,100 feet. Got an alpine start next day at 3:00AM. Sunrise happened just around 12,000' as I waited for the rest of the team to catch up. All 5 of us summited on this beautiful Sunday morning. As compared to last year, this year I could clearly see Mt. McLoughlin all the way on the southern Oregon Cascades.

Route Climbed: Avalanche Gulch
Date Climbed: June 2, 2002

A very rewarding climb. Excellent day for it too. Hardly any wind at the summit, sunny, clear and plain nice. Made the summit at 9:15AM. On my way down as I was arriving back to camp in Lake Helen, I witnessed a helicopter landing on Lake Helen. Apparently, some climber dislocated his shoulder blade (or something like that) in attempt to self-arrest in the Red Banks area and was evacuated off the mountain by a CHP helicopter. I took pictures of the helicopter landing and taking off. I'll post them sometime here in the near future.


edevart - Jul 30, 2007 3:42 pm Date Climbed: Aug 12, 2006

Clear Creek  Sucess!

climbed via Clear Creek Route. No snow til Wintun Glacier. Death scree. Left springs at 4am summitted at noon. Spent two hours on the summit, an hour and a half of which I was entirely alone. Even squeeked in a little cat nap!


skotty - Jul 23, 2007 4:28 pm Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2007

Good stuff  Sucess!

Did the Hotlum Glacier route. Amazing.


deungsan - Jul 17, 2007 12:43 am Date Climbed: Jul 14, 1995

First big mountain  Sucess!

And again on June 8, 2006.

Never gets boring.


WeatherMan - Jul 12, 2007 5:29 am Date Climbed: Apr 24, 2007

Slushy Summit Attempt

After a slushy march from Horse Camp, without snowshoes or skis, ended up packing it in early with billowing clouds on the approach. Next year will pray for a better snow/ski season and give it another shot, this time with skis for descent.

pjc30943 - Jul 10, 2007 3:42 am Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2007

Hotlum headwall  Sucess!

Ascended with my climbing partner to 11.5k where we dug out our platform. Went to bed at 7pm. At 3:30am we were on the glacier; travelled up the middle of the hotlum; then up the headwall; finally reached the summit within a few minutes of noon.
This is a very fun and varied route--and for us, quite tiring as well. The rock is sketchy and takes forever, so be warned...:)


tkoooooooooo - Jul 7, 2007 8:16 pm

effing mountain

dropped 4ft of snow on me overnight at our bivy site in the heart on the avy gulch route on thanksgiving 2005. so no summit. we turned around and barely missed a thick powdery avy.

Jere Vandewalle

Jere Vandewalle - Jul 7, 2007 6:26 pm Date Climbed: Jul 1, 2007

Perfect Day  Sucess!

A nearly full moon lit the ascent from Helen Lake to the Red Banks. The snow was firm for the climb, then sun softened for an ideal descent down the well travelled glissade path through the Red Banks, all the way past the bottom of The Heart. The summit was cold in stiff winds, but views were beautiful. I found this climb to be delightful.

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