Mount Wolverine & Mount Tuscarora Climber's Log

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Garfimi - Jul 30, 2010 2:35 am Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2010

Great Evening Hike  Sucess!

Started from Catherine Pass parking lot in Albion Basin. Went up from Catherine's Pass and hit Tuscarora, Wolverine and Millicent. Then went down to the Brighton Lakes and back up to Catherine's Pass and out. Three easy peaks to get within a couple of hours. The views are fantastic.

Matthew Van Horn

Matthew Van Horn - Jul 25, 2010 3:12 pm Date Climbed: Jul 23, 2010

In moonlight  Sucess!

Hiking in moonlight at 1AM above Alta and Brighton.

utclimber - Jul 23, 2010 12:41 am Date Climbed: Jul 22, 2010

Loop Hike  Sucess!

Fun after work hike. Started at Brighton and hiked up to Catherine's Pass. From there, I walked the ridge over Tuscarora, Wolverine, Patsy Marley, and the Honeycomb Cliffs. Returned to Twin Lakes Pass, and back to Brighton. Lots of moose. Total time was about 2 hours, 43 minutes.


Dean - Jul 20, 2010 7:58 pm Date Climbed: Jul 20, 2010

Nice day for a hike  Sucess!

I needed something to do otherwise I would be doing yard work so I remembered this one from a page Eric put up on his webpage. So I went to Alta without my skiis and hiked up to Catherine's pass from where I went up to Tuscarora and then over to Wolverine. Nie nice view point. Just outstanding. Then I went back down via a cross country route that I picked from the saddle between the two peaks. Lots of people on the trail but no one else on the mountains.

Garon Coriz

Garon Coriz - Jun 30, 2010 11:46 pm Date Climbed: Jun 29, 2010

Hike with Annie  Sucess!

The road closure added at least a mile onto the hike (one-way). My cousin, Annie, and I did it on a beautiful day with thunderstorms that came in as we left in the car. Millicent peak made it a fairly successful jaunt in the mountains but really, it was just some quality time with family.


builttospill - Feb 5, 2010 3:50 am Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2009

....  Sucess!

A few years ago I skied (well, rode) the east face of Wolverine with Mockba during the winter, but I had never been to this area in the summer. As part of a day of easy hiking and bagging some easy peaks, I got up Tuscarora and Wolverine, as well as Sunset from Catherine Pass.


madsjim - Sep 7, 2009 6:58 pm Date Climbed: Sep 7, 2009

Beautiful  Sucess!

Very enjoyable hike. Came over from Millicent and descended down to Catherine's pass. Views are outstanding, but the summit felt a bit underwhelming. I enjoyed the summit of Millicent much more.


Venicemave - Jul 13, 2009 4:25 pm Date Climbed: Jul 11, 2009

Twin Lakes route down Catherine  Sucess!

Hiked the ridge. Hit up Wolverine, Tuscarora & Millicent. Looking over the different parts of the valley from Tuscarora felt like Heaven. Did this hike back in 06 with my good friend Dino and had to do it again. Had lunch and a few beers on the way back down. Wonderful hike.


NoSubas - Dec 22, 2008 4:21 am

Ski touring

Always a good ski


byates - Dec 4, 2008 12:50 pm

Mutiple routes and climbs  Sucess!

Probably did my first climb in the early 80's.


Gahugafuga - Oct 18, 2008 1:25 pm Date Climbed: Oct 18, 2008

From Twin Lakes Pass  Sucess!

Climbed to Twin Lakes Pass and made an impromptu decision with my partners to head out to Wolverine Peak. From there, traversing over Tuscarora to Catherine Pass seemed the logical descent. A pleasant 4-hour hike on a beautiful fall day.

Travis Atwood

Travis Atwood - Aug 3, 2008 12:39 pm Date Climbed: Aug 2, 2008

Brighton Ridge  Sucess!

8/2/08 - Climbed both of these peaks as part of the Brighton Ridge Run.

Matthew Van Horn

Matthew Van Horn - Aug 1, 2008 11:56 am Date Climbed: Jul 31, 2008

From Grizzley Gulch  Sucess!

Wolverine/Tuscarora from Grizzley Gulch (over Patsy Marley) to Catherine Pass and back to Alta.


vanman798 - Mar 29, 2008 11:52 pm Date Climbed: Mar 15, 2015

Nice Views  Sucess!

March 19, 2015 - Pat M and I did a ski tour up to Patsy Marley, over to Wolverine and down to Tuscarora, then skied the south aspect between Wolverine and Tuscarora down into Alta.

April 18, 2009 -- From Grizzly Gulch, on skis, en route to skiing the Wolverine Cirque.

Mar 29, 2008 -- Skinned up to Twin Lakes pass from Alta via the Grizzly Gulch, turned south at the pass and started up the ridge nearly made it to Patsy Marley but the wind was so strong and I was on the windward side, so I had to head down then turn west to gain the ridge up to Patsey Marley dropping onto it's leeward side. From Patsy Marley I skinned along the Cirque ridge top to Mt. Wolverine, and then down to Mount Tuscarora. The Wolverine Cirque is awesome. Due to the strong winds and the wind loading, I decided to ski down the south side of Tuscarora into the Catherines area of Alta ski resort. From the peaks I enjoyed the westward view of Superior, the north view of the honey comb cliffs, the east view of Brighton and Catherine Lake area, and the south view of Sugarloaf and Devils Castle.


PocketsOfBlue - Mar 27, 2008 4:21 pm Date Climbed: Jan 27, 2008

Fun backcountry skiing  Sucess!

Toured up this with Steve G. in late January. Came up from Alta via Grizzly Gulch. Had a few really nice runs on the north aspects below the peak before heading back up to Grizzly.

J Anderson

J Anderson - Jul 13, 2007 11:45 am Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2007

Three in one  Sucess!

Triple action hiking this morning with Asher. I recomend it to anyone who wants a quality hike but doesn't have all day.

Matthew Van Horn

Matthew Van Horn - Jul 13, 2007 11:19 am Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2007

Early AM hike  Sucess!

With Justin A., we parked at Silver Lake, up to Twin Lakes Pass, up to Wolverine, over to Tuscarora, then back over to Millicent and down to the car.


seanpeckham - Jun 1, 2007 3:44 am Date Climbed: Aug 25, 2005

Skied the west couloir  Sucess!

via Catherine's Pass, after work one evening. We were going to go over Millicent too, but it was getting late, so we dropped off the ridge, crossed a boulder-field, and jogged down the trail to Brighton from Twin Lakes, arriving at the parking lot just as it was getting too dark to see.
Edited: did these peaks again Oct 14, 2007 this time including Sunset Peak and Millicent; see this album
Another update: in December 2010, skied from Grizzly Gulch over Patsy Marley, then skied off Wolverine (to the northeast) and Tuscarora (west face) then did two laps on Sunset Peak's north face. Summitted again in spring 2011 as part of a few laps in Wolverine Cirque - skied the west couloir from the summit (awesome).


mightykev - May 20, 2007 11:17 pm Date Climbed: Jul 24, 2005

hiked the ridge  Sucess!

I hiked the ridge including Tuscarora, Wolverine, and Millicent; got caught in a huge storm. It was awesome. yeah!

marauders - Dec 26, 2006 11:43 pm Date Climbed: Dec 23, 2006

Brighton Ridge 5-Peak Traverse  Sucess!

Hiked the Brighton Ridge to Millicent, Woverine, Tuscarora, Sunset Peak, and Pioneer Peak. Tremendous fun! Millicent's NE ridge is easy snow hiking. Wolverine/Tuscarora is easy snow hiking as well. Sunset is a bit harder because there is a Class 3/4 rock spine in the middle of the ridge. I chose to bypass the rock spine onto a 38 degree, north facing slope which brought me back onto the ridge. Only use that bypass under total stable snow conditions. Pioneer Peak was a beast. 3' snow drifts on the ridge about every 20 feet. Hiking down off of Pioneer was 2' of soft powder all the way to Brighton. Good workout! Views are oustanding. Highly recommended.

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