Go Coastal - Jul 5, 2020 12:53 pm Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2020
So close yet so far!
Unfortunately there was a locked gate at 40 km mark on Road. Started hiking at 9:45 and reached “start” of trail at 12:00 with a couple stops along way. Roughly 8 km of hiking from gate to parking area described in route description. Peak obscured in cloud all day. After returning home we realized we’d been within 150 meters of peak when we had to turn around (gate house locks gate at 4:00 PM). Going back with ebikes to tag the summit!
Gate was closed at km 40 approx, and we had to hike all the way to trail head. Turned out to be about 10km each way. 20km round trip. Made the summit and view was increadible! 3694 feet of verticle! Tough hike.
islandclimber - Oct 23, 2010 9:51 pm Date Climbed: Sep 25, 2010
Windy as Hell
Had a really bad cold but decided to go hiking anyways. The access road was fun to say the least, and the weather probably didn't help my cold, as it was pouring rain, with zero visibility and the worst wind i'd seen in my life. All in all it was still a really fun little trip.
Visits this year in January (SE Ridge) and June (East Ridge). As of June 22 all approach roads and spurs were clear and driveable. Both routes from this side still under snow.
I went up on a scouting drive to the junction of C27 and C29 today (April 11).
The C29 road leading up to the head of the South East ridge trail was covered in snow.
I had no problem with the gatekeeper. They are open from 8am - 6pm on weekends
oconnellr - Nov 2, 2008 8:44 pm Date Climbed: Nov 1, 2008
standard SE ridge
Standard SE ridge with ACC VI section. Luckily we were able to to get further up the road and quickly summitted before the heavy rain really started. Not too much of a view unfortunately - would have loved to see the NW ridge... another time I suppose
Having been turned away 3 times on previous visits by obdurate gatekeepers, fortune and Timberwest finally let me in this year. Problem was that Copper Canyon road was blocked by deadfall and we ended up having to walk a total of ~22km just to get to and summit Whymper and finally race down to beat the gate closing at 5pm.
Weather iffy at the top but didn't have any time for views anyway if we were to avoid getting locked in.
At least it was a good workout and I finally got to summit the highest mountain in Canada (south of the 49th).
Go Coastal - Jul 5, 2020 12:53 pm Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2020
So close yet so far!Unfortunately there was a locked gate at 40 km mark on Road. Started hiking at 9:45 and reached “start” of trail at 12:00 with a couple stops along way. Roughly 8 km of hiking from gate to parking area described in route description. Peak obscured in cloud all day. After returning home we realized we’d been within 150 meters of peak when we had to turn around (gate house locks gate at 4:00 PM). Going back with ebikes to tag the summit!
Trevor Busch - Sep 28, 2019 7:52 pm Date Climbed: Sep 28, 2019
Trevor BuschGate was closed at km 40 approx, and we had to hike all the way to trail head. Turned out to be about 10km each way. 20km round trip. Made the summit and view was increadible! 3694 feet of verticle! Tough hike.
islandclimber - Oct 23, 2010 9:51 pm Date Climbed: Sep 25, 2010
Windy as HellHad a really bad cold but decided to go hiking anyways. The access road was fun to say the least, and the weather probably didn't help my cold, as it was pouring rain, with zero visibility and the worst wind i'd seen in my life. All in all it was still a really fun little trip.
vancouver islander - Jun 30, 2010 8:47 pm Date Climbed: Jun 22, 2010
Here againVisits this year in January (SE Ridge) and June (East Ridge). As of June 22 all approach roads and spurs were clear and driveable. Both routes from this side still under snow.
dat - Apr 11, 2010 10:24 pm
April 2010I went up on a scouting drive to the junction of C27 and C29 today (April 11).
The C29 road leading up to the head of the South East ridge trail was covered in snow.
I had no problem with the gatekeeper. They are open from 8am - 6pm on weekends
oconnellr - Nov 2, 2008 8:44 pm Date Climbed: Nov 1, 2008
standard SE ridgeStandard SE ridge with ACC VI section. Luckily we were able to to get further up the road and quickly summitted before the heavy rain really started. Not too much of a view unfortunately - would have loved to see the NW ridge... another time I suppose
vancouver islander - Oct 6, 2008 12:33 pm Date Climbed: Jun 18, 2008
That bloody road!!Having been turned away 3 times on previous visits by obdurate gatekeepers, fortune and Timberwest finally let me in this year. Problem was that Copper Canyon road was blocked by deadfall and we ended up having to walk a total of ~22km just to get to and summit Whymper and finally race down to beat the gate closing at 5pm.
Weather iffy at the top but didn't have any time for views anyway if we were to avoid getting locked in.
At least it was a good workout and I finally got to summit the highest mountain in Canada (south of the 49th).