North Dome Climber's Log

Viewing: 41-60 of 89

lizrdboy - May 4, 2008 2:55 pm Date Climbed: Jul 8, 2002

Boy Scout Hike  Sucess!

We took a short side trip up North Dome during our 8 day hike through the Yosemite back country. One of my most memorable trips!


Bonesaw - Jan 11, 2008 10:18 am Date Climbed: Sep 16, 2002

Hiked to Summit via Yosemite Falls Trail  Sucess!

Solo day hike from the valley via Yosemite Falls Trail. Beautiful views! Great exercise! Want to do the South Face route next time.


Janell - Nov 24, 2007 12:22 pm Date Climbed: Jul 21, 2007

Hiking with my bamf  Sucess!

Via Porcupine Creek Trail, a really nice hike and great views of half dome.


pjgordon - Oct 17, 2007 6:03 pm

Quiet Views  Sucess!

Day hiked from Tioga rd. Great new view of the valley and Tenya canyon. Best of all... no crowds.


dervin - Oct 16, 2007 12:52 am Date Climbed: Sep 30, 2007

South face  Sucess!

Camped out on top of North Dome the night before. Superb views, superb climb.

Tom Fralich

Tom Fralich - Oct 12, 2007 12:43 pm Date Climbed: Oct 11, 2007

South Face (III 5.8, 8 pitches)  Sucess!

Holy laybacking! Definitely the theme of this climb. MichaelJ and I climbed the route from the Porcupine Creek trail head, starting at 7:30AM. The hike to the dome was easy, but we spent a lot of time thrashing around in the bushes after going cross country, trying to find the start of the climb. We started on the route at 11:00AM and topped out at 3:40PM. There were some annoying bushes to thrash past on the route and a ton of laybacking. We did it in 6 pitches and I led pitches 2,4,6 (basically pitches 3,5,7,8 in Supertopo). Overall a good climb, but maybe not worth the effort of the approach.


cbuelow - Aug 14, 2007 6:23 pm Date Climbed: Aug 11, 2007

Porcupine Creek Trail  Sucess!

Easy day hike from Tioga Road. Great view of Half Dome, Cloud's Rest and Tenaya Canyon. I also had fine views of a traffic jam in Yosemite Valley - at least I wasn't stuck in it.


pbogen - Aug 1, 2007 4:52 pm

Porcupine Creek Trail  Sucess!

Back in 2002, remember it being a fairly easy hike with outstanding views

Peak Baguette

Peak Baguette - Jul 24, 2007 12:32 am Date Climbed: Jul 15, 2007

Route: Porcupine Creek, Date 07.15.07  Sucess!

Lotsa views for little effort... and Half Dome looks great from this vantage point. Had lunch in San Francisco, drove up to Tioga Pass and was still able to squeeze this little hike in before sunset.


rlawson - May 23, 2007 3:46 pm Date Climbed: May 15, 2007

Route Climbed: Yosemite Falls Trail on accent and Snow Creek Trail on descent  Sucess!

Great long day hike with perfect weather.


fossana - Apr 9, 2007 1:06 am

crested jewel  Sucess!

Aug ?, 1998

Bubba Suess

Bubba Suess - Mar 9, 2007 11:47 pm

I was sick....  Sucess!

...but made it. I had to abort a previous trip to the summit when I was younger for the same reason.


oluskydiver - Nov 25, 2006 6:19 am Date Climbed: Nov 22, 2006

very nice day hike  Sucess!

very nice day hike. beautiful views. best vantage point in yosemite...


heyitsme - Oct 17, 2006 9:34 pm

nd  Sucess!

nice hike, good views of eastern yv

Matt Worster

Matt Worster - Aug 28, 2006 2:06 pm Date Climbed: Aug 26, 2006

Crest Jewel  Sucess!

Slabs can make you sore :-)


colinr - Aug 12, 2006 12:31 am Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2006

A great hike on the way home on 120  Sucess!

I couldn't resist taking Juan on his first hike overlooking Yosemeite Valley after he passed on the Sunrise Lakes-Clouds Rest-Half Dome-Happy Isles hike two days earlier. I was impressed by the scenic, uncrowded trail and the great views of Half Dome. Took about 3 and 1/2 hours including almost an hour taking in views around the dome. We had warmed up by hiking Pothole Dome and swimming in the Tuolomne River after closing up camp in Tuolomne Meadows.


rangermatt - Aug 6, 2006 2:47 am Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2006

Short hike from 120  Sucess!

A nice little hike from Highway 120 - nice to get away from the valley crowds. Still seemed crowded compared to SEKI though!


sierramtngoat - Jul 17, 2006 11:59 pm Date Climbed: Jun 10, 2001

Via Yosemite Falls Trail  Sucess!

Dayhiked this with my brother the week before dayhiking Half Dome. The trail was mostly though woods past Yosemite Point, so if I were to do it again, it would be via Tenaya Canyon. Incredible view of half dome from the summit.

Fredd C Dobbs

Fredd C Dobbs - Jun 20, 2006 5:33 am Date Climbed: May 19, 2006

Porcupine Creek Trail  Sucess!

Quick hike in and out and then on to Tioga Pass area to check on conditions, made for a nice day.


mountainmatt - Mar 18, 2006 6:21 am

SouthFace  Sucess!

Climbed the SouthFace in the Fall of '04 with a few buddies. A LONG day.

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