Driving to the Trailhead
Eagle & Observatory Rock
The maze of backcountry forest roads between Park County 77 and the Observatory
Rock trailhead was full of scenery. Not long after passing Tarryall Reservoir we came
Eagle Rock, our first destination for the day, with
Observatory Rock standing
in the distance. After summiting Eagle Rock we proceeded on to the Observatory
Rock trailhead. As we approached, Observatory Rock became
more and
Observatory Rock
As we neared the trailhead we passed through a very nice
aspen forest in full fall
colors. The
view of the south slopes of Observatory Rock amid the fall aspens was
quite impressive from the trailhead area. Another
interesting find was a teepee
frame and the remnants of a small paddock - if anyone knows the history of these
items I would be interested in hearing from you.
The Route to the Summit
Looking west
After passing the strange teepee frame we scrambled up the south slopes. After a
few minutes I made my way to the top of a rock outcropping to obtain nice views
down to the
south and to the
west. After enjoying these views we began to climb
up the south slopes and angled west to skirt the large
south facing cliffs and attain
the west ridge.
To the south
Once on the west ridge we came to a nice
vantage point of the aspen below
between two large rock towers. There were also
nice views of Eagle Rock to the
southeast. We eventually came to the base of the west summit gulley. The
lower portion was fairly steep Class 2/2+ with a short section near the top that
would be considered
easy Class 3 by some. The
large tree which guards the
bottom of the west summit gulley was quite obvious when looking back down.
Driving through the Aspen
From the summit the views were great in all directions including the
aspen to the
west, the
Twin Cones to the north and the
Tarryall River to the east.
After spending some quality time on the summit, which included a nice picnic, we
headed back to the trailhead. On our way out we enjoyed the small
aspen forest
one last time and agreed the combination of Eagle Rock and Observatory Rock
make for a great day in the Puma Hills area.
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