Ostry Stit - High Tatras

Ostry Stit - High Tatras

Ostry Stit(2360) and Maly Ostry Stit peaks seen from the lower parts of Sobkowy(Suchy) couloir in Ladovy Stit massif. For a long time in 19th century Ostry Stit (Sharp Peak) was regarded as unclimable one and there were made many unsuccessful attempts to reach the summit. The state changed finally in 1902 when the first ascent was made(from north) by Karol English with his mother Antonina and guides Johann Hunsdorfer sen. and Johann Strompf. Their ascent was one of the most important cards in Tatra climbing history... 21st April 2006 High Tatras
Tomek Lodowy
on Jan 1, 2007 3:22 pm
Image ID: 256006


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