A Blistered Kind of Love, One Couple's Trial by Trail
This book details the preparations and journey that two friends made on the Pacific Crest Trail in 2000. From the blistering dry heat in southern California to the soggy, dreary rainy Cascades in Washington state you will walk with Angela and Duffy. You will meet the "Trail Angels" who greeted them at the end of horrible days with water, rides, or showers and hot meals. Some of their fellow thru-hikers turned out to be their competition while others became their inspiration. And the ups and downs are certainly not only found along the trail in this book as you will find when you read about the couple's different health problems and hiking styles.
Price: $ 16.95
Paperback: 264 pages
Author: Angela and Duffy Ballard
Publisher: The Mountaineers Books
Year Published: 2003
Language: English
ISBN: 13-978-0-89886-902-6
silversummit - Apr 12, 2009 8:46 pm - Voted 3/5
Uneven at bestOn the plus side this book gives a view into the beautiful Pacific Crest Trail and how different it is from the AT. I also enjoyed reading about how different people define hiking a trail from end to end and what makes a successful hiker can truly depend upon going beyond what anyone ever expected to do.
This book is a fast read, which is definitely a good thing; you'll be ready for something more substantial when you're done!