Boot Traction Aid

Boot Traction Aid
Page Type Gear Category
Object Title Boot Traction Aid
Page By rasgoat
Created/Edited Jan 28, 2007 / Jan 31, 2007
Object ID 2313
Hits 10614
Page Score 86.8%

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Category Description

When there is not enough snow for snowshoes and not enough ice for crampons, this creates a "gear gap" when boots just won't do alone.

There are several types of Traction aid available that slip onto or over the hiking boot to allow for a great increase in traction during these conditions.

Some are very packable and lightweight, sacrificing some durability while others are bulky and heavier but are more durable and some even have replaceable metal pegs.

These traction aid devices fill in this "gear gap" and can really improve one's traction and experience during an approach.
