

Page Type Gear Review
Object Title GlobalStar
Page By Dow Williams
Page Type Feb 13, 2007 / Feb 13, 2007
Object ID 2608
Hits 6255

Product Description

Globalstar provides affordable, dependable high quality satellite voice and data service across North America and to over 120 countries worldwide. When your business centers on remote worksites and working in remote areas beyond cellular and traditional landline service Globalstar is the answer to your requirement for reliable and affordable communications.

A Low Earth Orbit (LEO) is any Earth orbit up to approximately 1,500 kilometers in altitude. Low-Earth-Orbit satellite systems offer significant advantages over Geosynchronous (GEO) systems for the delivery of mobile satellite services (MSSs). These advantages result from an orbit selection that enhances the quality of services to low-power mobile hand-held and vehicle-mounted user equipment. GEO satellite systems, located at an altitude of 35,800 kilometers above the Earth, are best suited for their missions of high-speed data, television transmission, and other wideband applications


US-based number. Easy and affordable.

National "800" dialing. Call to the millions of US toll-free numbers

Best satellite sound quality. No need to waste time repeating yourself.

Fastest Mobile Data Rates. Do more in less time.

Many satellites. Each call is handled by multiple satellites simultaneously for superior quality and reliability.

Many gateways. Globalstar's gateways provide redundant overlapping coverage in most areas, offering the most reliable satellite service during emergencies


E-Star 0 $29.99

50 $50
150 $65

500 $120

1400 $275

4,000 $550



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Dow Williams - Feb 13, 2007 11:25 pm - Voted 5/5

I have carried a sat phone for years. Mostly because I do many alpine objectives solo and being able to check in with the family from time to time eases tension between us regarding such exploits. However, they are no "cure all" in that regard. If you are below tree line, they likely will not function at all. If you think you are out in the open relative to the sky, but have a large wall to the south, your satellite signal can be blocked.

All that being said, $30 per month (Globalstar's Emergency Plan) is a small price to pay for the ability to let family members know you are good. It is also nice to know if you had an accident that rendered you and/or your party incapable of extracting yourself, depending on where you amongst the terrain, you might have a chance to call for help.

PeakMule - May 12, 2007 10:24 am - Hasn't voted

Stay in touch
I solo hike to remote areas of the Sonoran desert near the Mexican border. The Globalstar phone has been in my pack for the past two years. It requires an unobstructed view of the sky, particularly to the north, so some planning can be required to place a call. I use it to make scheduled check-in calls home. In my area, chances are slim of getting a signal _after_ trouble strikes, so it's necessary to leave route and contact instructions behind, just in case.

Bill Kish - Jul 4, 2007 12:42 am - Voted 4/5

Globalstar w/ GSP-1700
My girlfriend bought me the GSP-1700 phone and a one year prepaid plan. The phone is pretty small and light: about 7 ounces including battery. The battery life is very good, which isn't surprising considering that almost 25% of the phone volume is battery. An additional 25% of the volume is an impressive telescoping helical antenna. I've used it about a dozen times, just to 'keep in touch' on multi-day trips. Most of the time it is able to get a workable signal after less than a couple minutes of searching. A few times due to either terrain or satellite position it was not able to connect, although I suspect that either more patience or moving to a better location would have helped. Since the phone only connects to the network when the antenna is deployed and pointing at a satellite you generally wont be able to receive calls like you can on a cell phone. Overall a pretty impressive piece of technology but not 100% guaranteed.

AltitudeSickness - Jan 3, 2008 5:17 pm - Voted 4/5

I decided to rent this phone and use the basic service on a trip to the Tetons and to a few 14er's in Colorado for a multi day trip. Upon the insistence of my wife who wanted and definitive way to make contact with me this option was decided to be used. I found the phone very reliable and easy to use. There was only a few times when the location were were in had to be changed in order to use the phone. It was a little heavy I thought. I carried it in an Outdoor Research water proof bag and not the case that was sent with the phone. I would use it again for sure.

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