Paramo Men's Active Shirt


Paramo Men's Active Shirt
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Paramo Men's Active Shirt
Manufacturer Páramo
Page By mountainmanmark
Page Type Mar 8, 2008 / Mar 8, 2008
Object ID 5042
Hits 6209

Product Description

The Active Shirt is great for all-year use. Can be worn as a base-layer in winter (fleece side next to the skin) for added insulation OR can be worn on its own in summer (non-fleece side next to the skin) for active cooling. Suitable for the widest range of outdoor activities. The Active Shirt uses the newest Parameta S Light - a lighter and cooler alternative.

Click here to go to the Paramo website


Parameta® S is a reversible, asymmetrical, wicking fabric that directs water to one face and captures still air in the other, so it can be used to cool you down or warm you up as you choose, in response to the temperature, your level of activity and your own physiology.

Key benefits:
Specially constructed fabric so that water concentrates naturally in one face of the fabric only – the smooth face. As a result, it can provide protection from wind-blown mist and drizzle and recovers fast from immersion.
Offers excellent temperature control and comfort – you can react to different temperature and activity levels depending on the way out you wear it. You need only one garment to fulfil the role of two – offering both value for money and less to carry or wear.

General Comments

I bought one of these back in 1996 and have used it as my primary base layer ever since. Out of all the gear that I spent my student loan on it is the only item still used. It will have done well over 200 days and today it looks as good as it did on the very first day. Its duel functionality enabled by simply reversing it makes it very versatile. On a number of camping occasions I have washed it in a lake and been able to wear it without feeling wet, the wicking functionality being excellent. The only downside is that for me at 6ft it is too short and has the tendency to walk up my back when wearing a large rucksack.



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mountainmanmark - Mar 8, 2008 5:29 am - Voted 5/5

After over ten years of heavy use my shirt looks as good as it did when I bought it.

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