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News News of Ethics, Spray, and Slander

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Minimally moderated forum for climbing related hearsay, misinformation, and lies.

Project Zeus

Hello, all :D

I regret to inform you that uranium 234 is a nuclear explosive: This is not the form I first saw these neutron cross sections, they were earlier ones and had absorption and fission lines printed on the same graph. Fission exceeds absorption in the range of 1 - 5 million electron volts (MeV). Nubar, the number of neutrons emitted per fission, ranges ...
Read more : Project Zeus | Views : 33917 | Replies : 34

New meaning for the term Leave No Trace

Another topic for the stuck-in-the-tent or basecamp discussion...

How 1,600 People Went Missing from Our Public Lands Without a Trace

"Are you better or worse off going missing in a national forest than from a Walmart parking lot?"
Read more : New meaning for the term Leave No Trace | Views : 7798 | Replies : 6

World's most obscene climbing wall

Scale Grope Mountain and "plumb the depths of sensibility"... ... ll-9677928
Read more : World's most obscene climbing wall | Views : 6085 | Replies : 2

SP truly is dead...

This saddens me :cry:
Read more : SP truly is dead... | Views : 84909 | Replies : 134

This is a weird one, so brace yourself..

Police Mistake Chalk-Dusted Rock Climber’s Apartment for Drug Lab ... -drug-lab/

But wait...There's more!
Read more : This is a weird one, so brace yourself.. | Views : 7481 | Replies : 4

Cow and guide tipping.

Do they really sleep standing? How much do you all tip guides? If I do a big trip like Everest 20% is like 16k!! That can't be what people are it?!
Read more : Cow and guide tipping. | Views : 12637 | Replies : 12

Poor Honnold

Honnold lives out of his van, spending less than a thousand dollars per month

Read more : Poor Honnold | Views : 38610 | Replies : 42

Dawg Danger on the Trail

When is it legit to pepper spray a dog on the trail? I go trail running in a nearby state park (I live in Pennsylvania) and elsewhere and I'm sick and tired of being approached by aggressive dogs that should be on a leash. I've taken to carrying a small pepper spray unit a little bigger than a shotgun shell. I've told offending owners that they should restrain their dog or it will get pepper ...
Read more : Dawg Danger on the Trail | Views : 13446 | Replies : 13


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