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Tips, tricks, workouts, injury advice.

midwest alpine training

I live in southern Wisconsin and want to work on glacier travel, self arrest and general winter alpine travel skills. I am a confident sport climber and am hoping to train here so when I get west I will be ahead of the game. Anybody have tips for this? I was thinking of finding steep terrain to practice self arrest skills - anybody ever do this away from true mountains?
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Stairmaster workouts???????

hey guys

ever since I took a spill on a road ride in santa barbara i haave been out hurt, but the docz said it's kool if i work out

unfrotunately to pay for my doctrs bills i have had to take up n xtra job, but want to be ready for shreddy season - THUS time is limited

what are some good workouts on the stairmaster, need to get strong fast!

peace n chiken ...
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rock climbing applicability to ice climbing

So I am enrolled in a ice climbing course as a extra class, which I am definitely looking forward to, now that school has started. I was curious to see if there is a lot of relation to rock climbing.

I figured I'd pick up some recreational climbing in the climb gym at school with a buddy of mine, going to look at some shoes again in a hour or so. It is easy to ...
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Rehab Bad Ankle Sprain + Prevent Future Ones

Recently on a training hike, I managed to really trash my ankle. Torn ligaments, highest grade sprain, etc. I was in a boot for month, and am now doing rehab, which is icing plus the familiar rubber band exercises. The doc said it will be a couple of months before it is fully recovered.

The cause of all this was catching my foot on a tree root, causing me to stumble, then roll the ankle. ...
Read more : Rehab Bad Ankle Sprain + Prevent Future Ones | Views : 19598 | Replies : 16

Fat guy wants to do Rainier

OK... I know that there are undoubtedly some posts out there that cover this and I am starting to mine them, but in the meantime I'd love to hear from people who can both relate and provide some good advice for me specifically. So, here's the deal...

I am 34-year-old male who's carrying around approximately 70 extra pounds that I want to rid myself of, the next two years. Even when I was young and ...
Read more : Fat guy wants to do Rainier | Views : 25466 | Replies : 40

Egoscue Method

I am curious if anyone has tried the Egoscue method? It keeps everything loose, is designed to eliminate back pain and it focuses on leg muscles mostly and leaves arms alone. It's basically just advanced stretches and similar to yoga I assume.

It works for me!
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Suspension Training

Does anyone include suspension training into their workout routine? I've seen the TRX advertisement, but I don't think it is really worth the $200. I like the idea of working out at home and getting a good strength and cardio simultaneously.
Is it worth the effort trying to make one or should I just stick to normal push ups, pull ups, and weights at the gym?
Has anyone made these? How expensive and time consuming ...
Read more : Suspension Training | Views : 6181 | Replies : 8

Fat loss while climbing

I generally lose 4-5 lbs while climbing a typical US or Canadian glaciated mountain. I wanted to find out if I was losing lean tissue as well as fat so I had a Bod Pod test done just before and after climbing Mt Baker and Mt Hood over a 7 day period. I lost 5.1 lbs of fat, gained 1.9 lbs of lean, for a total loss of body weight of 3.2 lbs. This is ...
Read more : Fat loss while climbing | Views : 11941 | Replies : 20

Injury from fall while gaston-ing

About two years ago I was climbing a water runnel in NC (Groover at Laurel Knob if anyone cares). Things got a little precarious when the crystals my feet where placed started to crumble. I was using a gaston-ish technique to get up the runnel. If you can visualize opening elevator doors 18" wide that is what I was doing with my hands. The end result was that I took a fall and injured a ...
Read more : Injury from fall while gaston-ing | Views : 5794 | Replies : 6

training on the east coast for alpine climbs

So I moved back from Colorado to North Carolina last summer for a 2 year grad program. I'm going to Peru at the end of the summer but am worried that I won't be able to train for the types of climbs I want to do in the Cordillera Blanca b/c I don't have access to the same mountains--so no long, 22 hour days at altitude, carrying a pack over uneven terrain, fighting the cold, ...
Read more : training on the east coast for alpine climbs | Views : 8803 | Replies : 8


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