A question.

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Re: A question.

by Marmaduke » Tue Dec 07, 2010 12:55 am

mrchad9 wrote:Neo- I can assure you all of the opinions I have expressed here are consistant with those that I have in real life. My comment on the article on the content side of the site- where I have no reason to rile anyone up...

I'm happy for the controversy over this one. I don't usually read trip reports, prefer to go on my own outings more, suppose I am selfish. But hearing rumblings I decided to give it a read and glad I did.

Sounds like an awesome trip and and memorable experience you will have the rest of your life, and your story had me from beginning to end. I see no reason for any regrets. No one was hurt, stolen from, abused, blah blah. The tribes will be fine. And your photos are spectacular.

I guess I am taking the less popular postion. Takes courage. 8)

Some folks have even changed their initial votes from 10 to 1 after reading it more carefully, or following the pack perhaps.

As I stated, I was referring to your prior 2 posts, NOT all of them and NOT your overall position on this.

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Re: A question.

by SoCalHiker » Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:03 am

kamil wrote:I see your point but that's imho a bit of a biased assumption. This is a climbers' and ramblers' community. Ever heard of the Freedom to Roam?

But people seem to forget that exercising one's right at all costs and in all circumstances always impinges other people's rights as well

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Re: A question.

by mrchad9 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:20 am

Neophiteat48 wrote:As I stated, I was referring to your prior 2 posts, NOT all of them and NOT your overall position on this.

This one?
mrchad9 wrote:
The Chief wrote:That is a point that many I feel, do not get nor really seem to care about.

You know what else? If they had gotten injured on one of those frightening traverses, they should have rights to a SAR being executed too. FREE OF CHARGE!

:P :P :P

Actually Chief knows (if he remembers) that I have taken a stand in the past on this site that SAR should be free to those who are rescued (and in most US localities, they are). We were discussing it with regards to Mt. Shasta some time ago. That is what that was all about.

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Re: A question.

by mrchad9 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:22 am

SoCalHiker wrote:
kamil wrote:I see your point but that's imho a bit of a biased assumption. This is a climbers' and ramblers' community. Ever heard of the Freedom to Roam?

But people seem to forget that exercising one's right at all costs and in all circumstances always impinges other people's rights as well

SoCalHiker- I don't think anyone here disputes that they should stand up and pay the fine if one is imposed upon them, so they are not doing it at 'all costs'. But apparently the Navajo Nation is not TOO concerned about this, it sounds as though they were quite visible for a period of time. And if the locals really didn't want trespassing, a simple gate would rectify that very quickly.

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Re: A question.

by kamil » Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:24 am

SoCalHiker wrote:
kamil wrote:I see your point but that's imho a bit of a biased assumption. This is a climbers' and ramblers' community. Ever heard of the Freedom to Roam?

But people seem to forget that exercising one's right at all costs and in all circumstances always impinges other people's rights as well

I also said that with rights come responsibilities, that was one of the points of my post...

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Re: A question.

by Arthur Digbee » Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:27 am

SoCalHiker wrote:btw, it's a first someone called me "old fart". I am not sure how to take this :) but I am glad I am one in that context.

Welcome to the club!

When next you level up, you'll reach the rank of "curmudgeon." But that takes a power level of over 9000.

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Re: A question.

by SoCalHiker » Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:41 am

kamil wrote:
SoCalHiker wrote:
kamil wrote:I see your point but that's imho a bit of a biased assumption. This is a climbers' and ramblers' community. Ever heard of the Freedom to Roam?

But people seem to forget that exercising one's right at all costs and in all circumstances always impinges other people's rights as well

I also said that with rights come responsibilities, that was one of the points of my post...

very true

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Re: A question.

by lcarreau » Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:42 am

Arthur Digbee wrote:
Welcome to the club!

When next you level up, you'll reach the rank of "curmudgeon."

I have already been called a "curmudgeon" here on the Big SP!

But HEY, you have to be "thick-skinned" to survive here. Just don't call me late for dinner.

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Re: A question.

by mrchad9 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:44 am

I am a supporter of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 which gives broad access for exactly these types of activities, even on private property. Even though here in the US, since most of my ancestors came from Scotland, this is just an expression of my heritage.



Everyone, whatever their age or ability, can exercise access
rights over most land and inland water in Scotland, at any time
of day or night, providing they do so responsibly. These rights
do not extend to all places or to all activities (see paragraphs
2.11 to 2.15). Provided you do so responsibly (see Parts 3 and
5 of the Code), you can exercise access rights in places such
• hills, mountains and moorland;
• woods and forests;
• most urban parks, country parks and other managed open
• rivers, lochs, canals and reservoirs;
• riverbanks, loch shores, beaches and the coastline;
• land in which crops have not been sown;
• on the margins of fields3 where crops are growing or have
been sown;
• grassland, including grass being grown for hay or silage
(except when it is at such a late stage of growth that it is
likely to be damaged);
• fields where there are horses, cattle and other farm animals;
• on all core paths agreed by the local authority4;
• on all other paths and tracks where these cross land on
which access rights can be exercised;
• on grass sports or playing fields, when not in use, and on
land or inland water developed or set out for a recreational
purpose, unless the exercise of access rights would
interfere with the carrying on of that recreational use;
• golf courses, but only for crossing them and providing that
you do not take access across greens or interfere with any
games of golf;
• on, through or over bridges, tunnels, causeways, launching
sites, groynes, weirs, boulder weirs, embankments of canals
and similar waterways, fences, walls or anything designed
to facilitate access (such as gates or stiles).
2.3 You can also exercise access rights above or below the land
(for example, you can exercise access rights in the air and in
caves). Access rights apply under water as well as on the
2.4 You can exercise access rights at any time of the day or night,
provided you do so responsibly. The Code provides specific
guidance on responsible access at night (see paragraphs 3.19
and 3.20).

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Re: A question.

by lcarreau » Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:50 am

Personally, I don't give a ratass about what appears on SP's front page. All I care about is getting dinner...

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Re: A question.

by mrchad9 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:53 am

lcarreau wrote:Personally, I don't give a ratass about what appears on SP's front page. All I care about is getting dinner...

Well its already nearly 8:00 and you're late for dinner.

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Re: A question.

by lcarreau » Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:02 am

mrchad9 wrote:
lcarreau wrote:Personally, I don't give a ratass about what appears on SP's front page. All I care about is getting dinner...

Well its already nearly 8:00 and you're late for dinner.

I know... I'm a "late-night" eater. Just ask my wife. Looks like I'll be eating out (again) tonight.

"Turkey Vultures always vomit when they get nervous."

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Re: A question.

by The Chief » Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:07 am

I have encouraged Klenke to update his Ship Rock Page with all this valuable legal information on all the procedures and restrictions that have been in place since 1970 that he omitted in his Red Tape and Camping sections.

I hope that he does the right thing.

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Re: A question.

by Daria » Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:34 am

mrchad9 wrote:Never trespassed?

I trespassed across 15 miles of Diablo Nuclear Power Plant territory, and passed right behind the power plant. Threat to national securitee OH NOES. Not my problem if security is so stupid/ineffective as to not have seen/caught me. I say if you wont get caught/get in trouble, do it.
I'm the top troll.

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Re: A question.

by mrchad9 » Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:40 am

We already know about Daria's covert nuclear power plant trespassing.



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