SP liability?

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Re: SP liability?

by MoapaPk » Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:29 am

There are lots of lawyers in the legislature; about 50% in the US Congress. And trial lawyers are a big part of the support for the Democratic party, so there is likely influence for legislation.

Of my friends and family who were sued, I'd easily say that the lawsuits were frivolous (if not bizarre) 100% of the time. But, I'm just one person.

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Re: SP liability?

by lcarreau » Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:47 am

Who, me ? I completely lost FAITH in lawyers when Perry Mason left the airwaves.

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Re: SP liability?

by nartreb » Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:28 am

fatdad, I thought we were talking about the rules of ethics and the system for enforcing them. What legislature wrote those?

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Buz Groshong

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Re: SP liability?

by Buz Groshong » Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:53 pm

fatdad wrote:
oldandslow wrote:As far as some people having a perverse idea of what one can sue for, too many of those people are lawyers who do not have enough to do so they sue. Innocent defendants have to spend substantial amounts in order to defend themselves. It will be interesting to see how the new Texas statute requiring the loser to pay (in case of a groundless suit) plays out. Perhaps there are not enough "deep pockets" giving advice on SP to get the attention of the plaintiff's bar.

Not to put you on the defensive immediately but, again, this response seems to have some faulty preconceptions about the legal system and it's aim is.

First of all, lawyers represent clients. Lawyers do not dream up lawsuits because they have nothing better to do. Lawyers are officers of the court and are also bound by their own state's rules of ethics or professional conduct. They are also subject to discipline and suspension/disbarment for unethical practices, which would include suing because one does "not have enough to do."

Second, defendants are not "innocent", they are either liable or not liable.

Third, the Texas statute (which is the productive of a conservative legislature seeking to appease their corporate base), while obstensibly meant to deter people with bogus claims, will only deter individuals with valid claims who will be bankrupted when they can't outspend an Exxon or AIG or Bank of America, who will spend a TON of money burying individuals who would bring otherwise valid claims. It will subvert justice, not further it. Such statutes only benefit those insurance companies who have to pay out on claims, not the consumer.

Fourth, the perception that the system is clogged with meritless claims is false. Per capita, there were more lawsuits filed during Colonial times than there are presently. The court systems is severly impacted because they lost so much funding due to budgetary problems, not slews of false claims. Again, that is propaganda, for lack of a better term, put out by industry and the insurance cos. who do not want to get sued, regardless of whether a plaintiff has a legit claim against them. Since they can't win in the courtroom, they're taking their fight to the legislature. Unfortunately, some folks like oldandslow seem to be buying their specious arguments.

BTW, I'm just a probate lawyer, not a consumer or p.i. attorney. I don't make any of my income off of claims described in this thread. However, the continued attack on the legitimacy of the legal system, which is designed to benefit everyone needing justice, really bothers me. Heaven help you oldandslow if you ever find yourself injured and subject to the system you appear to be advocating.

You must not watch much late night TV. The ads for lawyers trying to make money off of drug companies are absurd: "If you took brand X and ever got at all sick you could be entitled to money; call the Zberg law firm; I'm Bob Zberg and I want to make lots of money off of you!"

There are lots of good, decent lawyers out there; but there are also the scum who are making the system what it is.

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Re: SP liability?

by oldandslow » Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:41 am

Interesting case involving Google finding no liability. http://volokh.com/2011/07/28/utah-trial ... st-google/

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Re: SP liability?

by kylenicolls » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:01 pm

Woman got hit by a car while following Googles directions?

Sounds pretty legit.

THis law discussion kinda reminds me of the whole Mcdonalds coffee 1mil deal a while back. I saw a interview of the family on TV, the burns of some little old lady were seriously bad. THey claimed she nearly died because of them. The story almost had me convinced I was a hypocrite for thinking otherwise. Then I stopped and thought. When it came down to it, it is still user error. They may as well have sued the car company for no cup-holders.

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Josh Lewis

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Re: SP liability?

by Josh Lewis » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:20 pm

In law class I heard about that case. Personally I don't like hot drinks in general, I usually end up having to wait until they are warm. So if it really was that hot, perhaps a little bit cooler coffee? :wink:

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Re: SP liability?

by ozarkmac » Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:28 am

lawyer nartreb wrote:

--PI plaintiff's lawyers typically get a retainer plus about 30% of any settlement or judgement, plus expenses.

1) The only reason a plaintiff's lawyer would take a retainer in a PI contingency case is to cover expenses. So the above statement is inaccurate.
2) I've never known a lawyer to spell judgment "judgement."


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