Pinto Valley Wilderness View

Pinto Valley Wilderness View

This is the view looking EAST, from the southwestern end of the 39,000-acre Pinto Valley Wilderness, several miles west of the Virgin Basin of Lake Mead in Nevada. I have my camera pointed towards the red-hued Rainbow/Sentinel Peak in the Black Mountains, located in the adjoining Jimbilnan Wilderness Area. In this section of the Mojave Desert, the two wilderness areas contain the ancient remnants of the Cleopatra-Hamblin Volcano (left). Much of this colourful volcanic rock spewed from the Cleopatra-Hamblin Volcano between 13 million and 20 million years ago. Over time, eruptions produced lava and ash with different mineral content and texture, helping to create the variety of fasinating shapes and colours we see today. Although seemingly scarce, the plants and animals here are diverse and have developed fasinating strategies to SURVIVE in this harsh dreamscape. Look closely, although not TOO closely, at rattlesnakes; and you'll appreciate their SUBTLE beauty! The white deposits that you see are salt and gypsum that 'leeched' out of the Mudstones from physics and properties of water over time, giving the land its BADLAND-LIKE appearance. What's BAD about it is, the volcano was completely SPLIT in two by a strike-slip fault zone running east-west through this area. The 'northern half' of the volcano is 10 miles to the east!!! (I hope that my "BETTER HALF" comes back real soon!!!) Still getting my bearings straight, but along the prominent (Southwest- to-Northeast)trending ridge-line in the background is pyramid-shaped Sentinel or Rainbow Peak, with Boulder Peak immediatly to the west of it. The dark-coloured series of peaks is the Redstone Group, with Redstone Peak seen as second from the left. The Cathedral Peaks are located further south, in the direction of the Virgin Basin of Lake Mead. Sandstone Spring, Cleopatra Wash and Little Pyramid are also located in that general area. Always have a good topo map with you, along with plenty of water because you can't always trust your directions or the availability of water in the springs!!! AND ... while you're at it, please don't TRIP over a RATTLESNAKE! HAVE FUN, because that's what mountains and deserts are about. Don't forget the wide-brimmed hat and cheap sunglasses.
on Mar 29, 2008 12:51 pm
Image Type(s): Bouldering,  Hiking,  Informational,  Scenery,  Humor
Image ID: 392258


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Diveria - Jun 30, 2008 5:37 am - Voted 10/10

Wilderness at its best!

Thanks for adding this lovely image to my album Larry!


lcarreau - Jun 30, 2008 9:53 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Wilderness at its best!

No problem, Marco! Bravo and Salud to your
most amazing album!!!

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