Punta del Sabbione (3183m) from the north, from high on Blinnenhorn

Punta del Sabbione (3183m) from the north, from high on Blinnenhorn

From the east, the true summit of Punta del Sabbione is not obvious, as it is largely obscured by the false eastern one:
Punta del Sabbione
Punta del Sabbione from the ENE
From the north, high on Blinnenhorn, it's quite clear that the western summit is higher. Judging by both photos it looks easier to climb from the north than by going over the false eastern summit. But I won't try either route this year. A bit further back and to the left is Punta d'Arbola (3235m). And that's my goal for tomorrow. 26 June 2013.
on Feb 12, 2014 2:27 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing,  Informational,  Scenery
Image ID: 886643


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