Deltakyp - Aug 15, 2009 11:15 pm Date Climbed: Apr 21, 2007
3rd trip, snowshoed this time
My third trip, this time brought the girlfriend and some snowshoes via Lyons Creek trail and stayed at Lk. Sylvia as in previous 2 trips. Saw some disturbing 'not young or fit' skinny dippers in the a.m. as well as a CHP helo rescue on the western ridge. We scrambled up the North-Western face instead of the ridge route; better meadows north of Lake Sylvia.
fedak - Aug 10, 2009 1:59 am Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2009
via Lyons Creek/Sylvia Lake
When did this and Dicks turn into tourist routes?
20 people on the summit, no less than 4 yakking on cell phones.
pjgordon - Jun 30, 2009 12:39 pm Date Climbed: Jun 22, 2009
Lyons Creek
Clear sky's and cool weather made for a great day. We could see the coastal range, Hyland Peak and Mt. Rose. On the way down we gave a toast to the mountain with our new friends Gino (the sore looser football fan) and his team of ageless wonders who had also made the summit.
Michael Graupe - Jun 29, 2009 7:14 pm Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2009
Desolation Grand Loop
Dayhike from Glen Alpine TH. After climbing Mt. Tallac traversed the ridge to Dicks Pk. Continued on to Jacks Pk and then Pyramid Pk before returning to the car which made for a very long day in a great area which I hadn't visited yet. Some Photos.
JasonH - Jun 23, 2009 11:46 am Date Climbed: Jun 22, 2009
From Lyons Creek
My first trip up. I went up with my buddy PJ. Great views on a beautiful day. We could see as far north as Mount Lola and as far south as Sonora Peak. This was a fun climb. I think next time I will go up from Rocky Canyon.
Adamus - Jun 11, 2009 3:25 am Date Climbed: Jun 10, 2009
Rocky Creek
Cloudy day, but no precipitation. At least this time I could see from the summit.
Bob Burd - May 3, 2009 12:42 am Date Climbed: Apr 29, 2009
Price - Pyramid Traverse
Third time up Pyramid. A fun day of snowshoeing from Wrights Lake Rd. Trip Report
thholder - Mar 25, 2009 10:19 pm Date Climbed: Jan 10, 2009
It's a fun ski - SouthEast Ridge.....
as it is close by its must-do every few years.
wmolland - Dec 7, 2008 9:07 pm Date Climbed: Dec 5, 2008
Rocky Canyon
A beautiful peak in a beautiful area. Ran into hardly any snow and had unbelievable views from the top in all directions. This would be a sick ski when there's tons of snow on the ground.
birdhead - Sep 26, 2008 1:30 am Date Climbed: Sep 25, 2008
Rocky Canyon
Parked at the turnout just beyond the point where the creek crosses the road. The trail was about 100 yards east along hwy 50 on the east side of the creek and was very easy to follow the whole way to the summit. The views of the surrounding area are great.
SFMountaineer - Sep 2, 2008 10:23 am Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2008
Southeast face via Echo Lakes Dayhike
Started the hike by taking the ferry around 9:30 AM. The approach to Lake of the Woods didn't feel too long. Don't underestimate the cross country portion through Desolation Valley, we sure did. Lots of route finding, dead ends, ups and downs, sides to sides, steep, toe crunching granite, and bouldering. The climb up the east wall above Pyramid Lake wasn't bad. We intended to curve around the peak and use the South slope to summit, but we climbed too high and ended up bouldering across and up the class 3 southeast face. By the time we made it to the south slope we were pretty much at the top. It felt pretty expose but the rocks were big enough that I felt safe, albeit full of adrenaline. If you like bouldering, go for it. It was 3:15pm by the time we left the summit, and we used our intended route back. Getting back to the trail took a long time, we missed the ferry back, and we made it back to the car at 9:30 pm with no headlamps and no moon (I used my iPhone's screen to illuminate the trail). Quite an adventure.
jboldt1971 - Aug 21, 2008 1:19 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 1995
East Ridge
With JB and the late great TW. Miss you buddy.
edevart - Aug 4, 2008 10:46 am Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2008
East Face via Pyramid Lake
With K and the dog. Via Horsetail Falls and "the Lakes". Camped around 9000 feet on a shelf above Pyramid Lake. Then direct up the EAst face and down the Southeast ridge. Either route is a fairly straight forward boulder hop.
I was unable to find a summit register.
superproracer - Jun 15, 2008 6:10 pm Date Climbed: May 22, 2008
Rock Canyon Creek Route
Mark, Kurt and I departed the car at 7:00 pm. Near full moon. We made the summit at 11:30 pm. Departed the summit at midnite. Back to the car at 3:30 am. Very fun, especially at night. We did see some of Desolation illuminated by the light of the moon, but most of the time it was clouded over.
Ski trip with V. Fun skiing from the summit, heavy snow lower down, last couple hundred feet dry as a bone...
soslaw - Apr 7, 2008 11:48 am Date Climbed: Apr 5, 2008
South East Ridge
Spring ski tour. Ascended via Horsetail Falls. Descent via Rocky canyon. Upper south slope was a little boney but you could still ski a continuous line down the south slope from the summit.
Brian Kalet - Mar 9, 2008 10:42 am Date Climbed: Mar 1, 2008
SE Ridge
Skied from the summit.
requiem - Jan 23, 2008 2:59 am Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2006
first ascent was via Horsetail Falls, and by far the hardest climb i had done at that point; out of 7 to start, only 4 of us made it, and we all ran out of water just after we reached the falls on the way back. second ascent was via Rocky Canyon 7/15/07. we attempted to ascend after the first snow on 12-23-07 but were shut down by waist-deep powder and dwindling daylight.
panweilin - Oct 25, 2007 2:54 pm Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2006
Via East Ridge
We started from the TH at the south end of Fallen Leaf Lake, traversed off-trail and summited via the east ridge of Pyramid Peak. Descended southward and hit on Rocky Canyon Trail back to Twin Bridges TH.
Deltakyp - Aug 15, 2009 11:15 pm Date Climbed: Apr 21, 2007
3rd trip, snowshoed this timeMy third trip, this time brought the girlfriend and some snowshoes via Lyons Creek trail and stayed at Lk. Sylvia as in previous 2 trips. Saw some disturbing 'not young or fit' skinny dippers in the a.m. as well as a CHP helo rescue on the western ridge. We scrambled up the North-Western face instead of the ridge route; better meadows north of Lake Sylvia.
fedak - Aug 10, 2009 1:59 am Date Climbed: Aug 9, 2009
via Lyons Creek/Sylvia LakeWhen did this and Dicks turn into tourist routes?
20 people on the summit, no less than 4 yakking on cell phones.
Hazy summer day.
Pics are here.
pjgordon - Jun 30, 2009 12:39 pm Date Climbed: Jun 22, 2009
Lyons CreekClear sky's and cool weather made for a great day. We could see the coastal range, Hyland Peak and Mt. Rose. On the way down we gave a toast to the mountain with our new friends Gino (the sore looser football fan) and his team of ageless wonders who had also made the summit.
Michael Graupe - Jun 29, 2009 7:14 pm Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2009
Desolation Grand LoopDayhike from Glen Alpine TH. After climbing Mt. Tallac traversed the ridge to Dicks Pk. Continued on to Jacks Pk and then Pyramid Pk before returning to the car which made for a very long day in a great area which I hadn't visited yet.
Some Photos.
JasonH - Jun 23, 2009 11:46 am Date Climbed: Jun 22, 2009
From Lyons CreekMy first trip up. I went up with my buddy PJ. Great views on a beautiful day. We could see as far north as Mount Lola and as far south as Sonora Peak. This was a fun climb. I think next time I will go up from Rocky Canyon.
Adamus - Jun 11, 2009 3:25 am Date Climbed: Jun 10, 2009
Rocky CreekCloudy day, but no precipitation. At least this time I could see from the summit.
Bob Burd - May 3, 2009 12:42 am Date Climbed: Apr 29, 2009
Price - Pyramid TraverseThird time up Pyramid. A fun day of snowshoeing from Wrights Lake Rd. Trip Report
thholder - Mar 25, 2009 10:19 pm Date Climbed: Jan 10, 2009
summit registersummit register placed 1/10/2009
snowflake - Mar 12, 2009 8:09 pm
Many Ski DescentsIt's a fun ski - SouthEast Ridge.....
as it is close by its must-do every few years.
wmolland - Dec 7, 2008 9:07 pm Date Climbed: Dec 5, 2008
Rocky CanyonA beautiful peak in a beautiful area. Ran into hardly any snow and had unbelievable views from the top in all directions. This would be a sick ski when there's tons of snow on the ground.
birdhead - Sep 26, 2008 1:30 am Date Climbed: Sep 25, 2008
Rocky CanyonParked at the turnout just beyond the point where the creek crosses the road. The trail was about 100 yards east along hwy 50 on the east side of the creek and was very easy to follow the whole way to the summit. The views of the surrounding area are great.
SFMountaineer - Sep 2, 2008 10:23 am Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2008
Southeast face via Echo Lakes DayhikeStarted the hike by taking the ferry around 9:30 AM. The approach to Lake of the Woods didn't feel too long. Don't underestimate the cross country portion through Desolation Valley, we sure did. Lots of route finding, dead ends, ups and downs, sides to sides, steep, toe crunching granite, and bouldering. The climb up the east wall above Pyramid Lake wasn't bad. We intended to curve around the peak and use the South slope to summit, but we climbed too high and ended up bouldering across and up the class 3 southeast face. By the time we made it to the south slope we were pretty much at the top. It felt pretty expose but the rocks were big enough that I felt safe, albeit full of adrenaline. If you like bouldering, go for it. It was 3:15pm by the time we left the summit, and we used our intended route back. Getting back to the trail took a long time, we missed the ferry back, and we made it back to the car at 9:30 pm with no headlamps and no moon (I used my iPhone's screen to illuminate the trail). Quite an adventure.
jboldt1971 - Aug 21, 2008 1:19 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 1995
East RidgeWith JB and the late great TW. Miss you buddy.
edevart - Aug 4, 2008 10:46 am Date Climbed: Aug 3, 2008
East Face via Pyramid LakeWith K and the dog. Via Horsetail Falls and "the Lakes". Camped around 9000 feet on a shelf above Pyramid Lake. Then direct up the EAst face and down the Southeast ridge. Either route is a fairly straight forward boulder hop.
I was unable to find a summit register.
superproracer - Jun 15, 2008 6:10 pm Date Climbed: May 22, 2008
Rock Canyon Creek RouteMark, Kurt and I departed the car at 7:00 pm. Near full moon. We made the summit at 11:30 pm. Departed the summit at midnite. Back to the car at 3:30 am. Very fun, especially at night. We did see some of Desolation illuminated by the light of the moon, but most of the time it was clouded over.
kovarpa - Apr 15, 2008 1:00 pm Date Climbed: Apr 13, 2008
SE ridgeSki trip with V. Fun skiing from the summit, heavy snow lower down, last couple hundred feet dry as a bone...
soslaw - Apr 7, 2008 11:48 am Date Climbed: Apr 5, 2008
South East RidgeSpring ski tour. Ascended via Horsetail Falls. Descent via Rocky canyon. Upper south slope was a little boney but you could still ski a continuous line down the south slope from the summit.
Brian Kalet - Mar 9, 2008 10:42 am Date Climbed: Mar 1, 2008
SE RidgeSkied from the summit.
requiem - Jan 23, 2008 2:59 am Date Climbed: Jul 29, 2006
Brutalfirst ascent was via Horsetail Falls, and by far the hardest climb i had done at that point; out of 7 to start, only 4 of us made it, and we all ran out of water just after we reached the falls on the way back. second ascent was via Rocky Canyon 7/15/07. we attempted to ascend after the first snow on 12-23-07 but were shut down by waist-deep powder and dwindling daylight.
panweilin - Oct 25, 2007 2:54 pm Date Climbed: Aug 19, 2006
Via East RidgeWe started from the TH at the south end of Fallen Leaf Lake, traversed off-trail and summited via the east ridge of Pyramid Peak. Descended southward and hit on Rocky Canyon Trail back to Twin Bridges TH.