Quandary Peak Climber's Log

Viewing: 521-540 of 557

TexasClimber - Jun 16, 2003 12:44 pm

Route Climbed: East Ridge Via the Monte Cristo Trailhead Date Climbed: June 15, 2003  Sucess!

Paul and I summited Quandary on Sunday 6/15/03 late in the day around 2:45 PM. The route is Class 1 with great scenery. It is more of a lofty endurance hike with a few mountain goats in the vicinity. The climb was a little harder for us as we were a little hung-over from our night out in Breckenridge. Paul's first fourteener was Mount Democrat which he summited with me the day before. As with all my friends who bag their first mountain, I made sure to get him good and toasted as part of the reward! Nonetheless we hit the trailhead at 11 AM and sweated it out! This route is classic as it affords a great ridge line that is gained by leaving a forested area and escaping the tree line. The views are great and the glissading is top notch. We dropped a 1000' of elevation in minutes by glissading down the snow along the east ridge. A storm had moved in but luckily we beat it back to the rent-a-car.


Kane - Jun 3, 2003 7:35 pm

Route Climbed: Standard Date Climbed: 2001  Sucess!

This was a milestone hike for me. I had been grounded for a year and a half with a bad knee. Not knowing if I would make it, I rekindeled my love for hiking with this easy hike. Needless to say I made it. If Quandary(by the standard) is not the easiest 14er in Colorado then I don't know what is. You can count on at least 15- 50 people hiking with you in the summer months. I hiked Quandary on July 4th weekend and remember at least 300 people on that mountain. Anyone visiting Breckenridge, and wants a hike goes for Quandary. Some make it, most don't.

skibum7732 - May 17, 2003 9:59 pm

Route Climbed: East Slopes Date Climbed: Jul, 2001  Sucess!

1st 14'er. Summited with Jennifer(wife) and Chris(co-worker). I believe it took us about 7 hours roundtrip. Nice day.


mmoerk - May 4, 2003 8:52 am

Route Climbed: Cristo Couloir Date Climbed: May 3, 2003  Sucess!

My first snow climb that wasn't just a hike. Parked at Monte Cristo Trailhead and hiked over to Blue Lakes (the road wasn't plowed yet). Strapped on the crampons and got out the ice axe and started climbing. After climbing about 1,200' or so, I dropped my camera and watched it slide seemingly forever, until I lost sight of it. Oops. Other than that, the climb was awesome (but hard work). It was a new vantage point being on such a steep part of a mountain, which I had never done before. Shared the summit with about a dozen skiiers/boarders, and saw lots of people having fun descending while we hiked down the standard east route back to the car.


big_g - Mar 3, 2003 3:20 pm Date Climbed: Apr 4, 2002

Route Climbed: East Slopes  Sucess!

Nice hike up and saw some goats right on the summit! Fun glissading down.


hmronnow - Feb 23, 2003 11:58 pm

Route Climbed: East Ridge Date Climbed: February 22 2003  Sucess!

Snow and some wind, but not too cold. Snow-field just above tree line a bit unstable. Skinned to 13000, then walked on rocks sticking out of snow. Descented to 13500 by foot due to low visibility, the rest on skis.


Grant - Jan 15, 2003 2:19 pm

Route Climbed: easy route Date Climbed: Aug. 2000  Sucess!

We started out at about 8:00am and reached the trailhead at about 9:00am. The hike started out pretty easy passing a few abandoned mines. At timberline the slope steepened and we slowed down quite a bit. After about a mile the trail flattened out a little and by that time there were four of us left. Looking up at the top we had 1000’ of gain to go and Lisa called it quits. So Mark, Craig and I keep trudging along. Mark was in good shape and kept waiting for Craig and I. The last 1000-foot section was a good climbers trail and was talus all the way to the top so there wasn’t much of a trail, but we could see the summit the whole time. The last 100’ flattened out a bit and then we were at the summit. Mark, Craig and I were very happy and I was relieved. It was Mark and Craig’s first fourteener and only my second.


mtnhiker13 - Dec 27, 2002 8:07 am

Route Climbed: West Ridge Date Climbed: August 24, 2002  Sucess!

This was my second ascent of Quandry and was much more enjoyable than the east slopes. The west ridge was challenging from a terrain and route finding perspective. We descended the south slopes - they look like they would be very fun to ski down in the winter. Perhaps a winter trip should be planned (?)


phillinley - Dec 24, 2002 11:20 am

Route Climbed: East ridge Date Climbed: December 22, 2002  Sucess!

First winter fourteener ascent. Skied up with skins and skiied down for first fourteener ski descent as well. Beautiful day for December.

jcolar - Nov 22, 2002 8:41 am

Route Climbed: East Ridge Date Climbed: November 16, 2002  Sucess!

Great climb. My first 14er. Lots of wind and snow. Can't wait to get back.


rcorby2 - Nov 17, 2002 6:04 pm

Route Climbed: East Ridge Date Climbed: November 16th, 2002  Sucess!

A great winter climb that started from the Monte Cristo TH. Some may balk at calling this a winter climb, being it's only mid Novmeber; but 20 degree temps, 50mph (no exageration) winds, and enough snow to satisfy the abominable snowman, I'd say it counts!

Photos and video available here.


fastandlight - Nov 5, 2002 10:31 pm

Route Climbed: West Ridge Date Climbed: March 12, 2000  Sucess!

Heck of a climb. Lots of false summits up with West Ridge. It was a cold day with lots of wind. Didn't stay on top long. Got wicked cramps on the way down from the snowshoes.

granddeity - Nov 2, 2002 11:20 pm

Route Climbed: Standard Date Climbed: August 10. 2002  Sucess!

After a few troubles finding the new trailhead, we had a great hike. Lots of fun.


rob_runkle - Nov 2, 2002 8:22 am

Route Climbed: Standard Route Date Climbed: August 18, 2002  Sucess!

Great 4 days of 14ers (9 total). This was my last 14er for the trip. This 14er is close to Breck, which makes for a good choice of a single day excursion.


climberkjp - Oct 22, 2002 10:56 am

Route Climbed: East "Ridge" Date Climbed: October 19, 2002  Sucess!

Was up in the Breck for the weekend, and was bored, so jogged up Quandary. Easy route, great to get out though. Ran into some mountain goats on the descent. I should've checked this page first - the West Ridge sounds a little more interesting.


rmjwinters - Oct 6, 2002 2:11 pm

Route Climbed: Standard Date Climbed: July 30 2001  Sucess!

Finished Sherman this morning. Alot of elevation gain/loss for one day. The weather held and we were successful


charles97 - Sep 17, 2002 3:32 pm

Route Climbed: East Ridge Date Climbed: September 5, 2002  Sucess!

Nice, smooth and easy going the whole way up. I got started early enough to beat the weather. Started at 8:20 am and reached summit at 10:50 am. It was one of the easier fourteeners.

Seventh of 10 fourteeners in 6 days. #15 overall.


mtnhappy - Sep 17, 2002 2:07 pm

Route Climbed: East Ridge Date Climbed: August 19, 2002  Sucess!

Quandary was my 1st 14er to bag, and man, i must say i'm now addicted! it was an amazing climb! it's a good 14er to climb for your 1st time. it's crazy how fast the storms come in, so always watch the sky. this climb won't leave you disappointed! it's neat to look at the entire eastern ridge of Quandary (from one of the pullouts on the south side of Hoosier Pass) & actually see what you climbed from a different angle!

Ed F

Ed F - Sep 15, 2002 4:19 pm

Route Climbed: Quandary Trailhead - East Slopes Date Climbed: September 15, 2002  Sucess!

Very easy, short hike up to a nice peak. Great weather. Took a short trip to check out the west ridge... it doesn't look too bad. Next time!


kcmule - Aug 21, 2002 4:32 pm

Route Climbed: East Slopes Date Climbed: August 19, 2002  Sucess!

Fun hike. A little strenuous for me (newbie - 2nd 14er) but we took short breaks whenever we lost our breath and kept plodding along. Views are worth the effort. Played around a bit on the west slope cliffs, but they're still probably a bit out of my league - for now. Not too many folks on the summit and when the clouds moved in everyone split and we had some time alone on the peak. Paid the piper by getting snowed-on on the way down (in August!) but at least it didn't get us wet. Topped off the day with tasty ribs at Breckenridge BBQ in town; highly recommended.

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