

A Little About Me

Be sure to visit my website for more details, photos, and movies. Some of my highlights are here.

    Personal records
  • Highest Altitude: 20,561 ft / 6.268 m [Cumbre Veintemilla, Chimborazo, Ecuador].
  • Highest Sleeping Altitude: 16,298 ft / 4.969 m [refugio, Chimborazo, Ecuador]
  • Most vertical in a day: 5,666 ft / 1.717 m* [El Corazón, Pichincha, Ecuador] *suspicious GPS reading though
  • Longest Glissade: 4,000 ft! / 1.212 m [West Face, Mt. Shasta, California, US]
  • Longest Rappel: 164 ft / 50 m [waterfall outside of Baños, Ecuador]
  • Longest Free Rappel: 165 ft / 50 m [Seneca Rocks, West Virginia]
  • Longest Approach: 2,170+ miles / 3.390 km [Mt. Katahdin, Maine, US]
  • Highest winds: ?? m/hr / ?? km/hr [Nevado Cayambe, Cayambe, Ecuador]

    Long Distance Backpacking (trailname: Hardcore)
  • AT 2000 GA->ME: 2,167+ miles (3495+ km)/ 6.5 months
  • CdS 2002: 725+ miles (1170+ km) / 7 weeks
  • JMT 2003: 211+ miles (340+ km) / 17 days
  • LT 2005: 270+ miles (435+ km) / 33 days
  • MST 2007: ~950 miles (1532+ km) / 66 days
  • HWP 2007: 85 miles (136 km) / days
  • WHW 2007: 95 miles (152 km) / days
  • GCL (CT) 2011: 740 miles (1156 km) / ~65 days
  • AZT 2013: ~800 miles
  • Caminho Portugues 2022:  ? miles (? km) / 9 days
  • LSHT 2023: 96 miles (154 km) / 9 days
  • Longest Day 26.5 mi (43 km)

A note regarding my summit and route logs: I record a summit once and I may not necessarily update the entry on multiple ascents. For routes I have retro-signed a few that are memorable to me for some reason. I might start signing more in the future.

Trail Journals: My last long distance hike

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