Quandary Peak Climber's Log

Viewing: 161-180 of 557

LadyWawa - Jan 27, 2011 10:52 am Date Climbed: Dec 31, 2009


This was a very straightforward winter climb however I began it already feeling a bit flu-ish. By the time I was less than 75 ft from the summit, I was having an extreme stomach flu and fever and needed to flee the mountain quickly. It lasted for days so I didn't have the chance for a quick rematch. I will this February though. :)

Brian C

Brian C - Jan 15, 2011 9:01 pm Date Climbed: Jan 15, 2011

East Ridge - Winter  Sucess!

Nice day out with the wife. Started in the clouds and cold while later breaking out into sun. Was a little surprised at the steepness on the ridge in places.

Nice way to revisit Quandary after the West Ridge. Lot's of folks out but a great day overall.


centrifuge - Jan 12, 2011 9:56 pm Date Climbed: Jun 15, 2006


this was the first of a whole lot of climbing on this mountain

Jeremy Hakes

Jeremy Hakes - Jan 10, 2011 4:23 pm Date Climbed: Oct 1, 2006

Dad's final 14er  Sucess!

Easy slopes, nice finish.

yourhorsedoctor - Jan 2, 2011 1:31 pm Date Climbed: Nov 2, 2007

First 14er!  Sucess!

A great first summit - quite cold and windy (don't know what I expected in November..), definitely won't be my last...


thatnissanguy - Dec 20, 2010 8:53 pm Date Climbed: Apr 17, 2010

confusion on quandary

Went looking for the West Ridge in a blizzard. Got off route and found a few icy gullies that eventually dead ended. Settled for Cristo Couloir. Was a fun day!

Matt Lemke

Matt Lemke - Dec 20, 2010 3:42 pm Date Climbed: Sep 16, 2010

Standard route  Sucess!

A night climb...very easy

Matt Miller

Matt Miller - Dec 11, 2010 1:04 pm Date Climbed: Jul 13, 2008

Leah's first 14er  Sucess!

Looking back now, I wish I'd have chosen a more exciting 14er to take Leah on for her first one.


BBarthel - Dec 7, 2010 1:48 pm

Great   Sucess!

Climbed with a bunch of friends. Had a blast.


panhandler - Nov 30, 2010 2:21 pm Date Climbed: May 8, 2010

Birthday Climb  Sucess!

Wife's first time up to 14k, and first summit!

Got to meet Horton the Quandary dog... http://climbing.about.com/b/2008/09/12/horton-the-quandary-dog.htm


Luciano136 - Oct 26, 2010 11:00 pm Date Climbed: Oct 24, 2010

Cold and windy East Ridge  Sucess!

Birthday hike :). I wasn't moving very fast since I flew in from OC the previous day. Clouds were threatening all day and the last 1000 feet had very low visibility and high winds (60mph). I actually turned around right before the summit since the wind became unbearable and there was zero visibility. Close enough though, so I'll consider it successful :-)).


JustinShapiro - Oct 18, 2010 1:21 am Date Climbed: Oct 17, 2010

Easy day  Sucess!

Never thought I'd be climbing peaks this late in the year. It was a really easy day on Quandary and the views were great. This most likely will wrap up the season.


rockymountaindiva - Oct 11, 2010 12:27 am Date Climbed: Oct 20, 2009

Over and over  Sucess!

Great training peak and close to home, so climb this one about once every other month. With changing seasons and weather, it never looks quite the same.


JCarlson - Oct 10, 2010 8:52 pm Date Climbed: May 6, 2009

Cristo Couloir  Sucess!

Hiked up the snow covered road and camped at the base of the couloir. Snowed on during the night and a little bit windy but cleared off the next day. Snow got mushy later in the day so we climbed on the rock for a bit. Beautiful climb with my dad and a great glissade.


Spindle - Sep 22, 2010 9:50 pm Date Climbed: Sep 15, 2010

Nice hike  Sucess!

Lots of people on a beautiful day.


dclimb14me - Sep 8, 2010 12:25 pm

Crowded!  Sucess!

One of many climbs, ski descents, etc. This particular day in summer '09 was crowded! Holy Cow! Nice day anyway, very early start had me beat most to the top...


mstender - Aug 16, 2010 12:00 pm Date Climbed: Aug 7, 2010

East Slopes  Sucess!

My third 14er in CO. The place was like a zoo, shared the summit with at least 50 people. Great views but not my favorite hike, the downhill was killing my knees.


catullus - Aug 2, 2010 7:26 pm Date Climbed: Aug 1, 2010

east slopes  Sucess!

pleasant, easy jaunt. 14th fourteener!!


Hostilejim - Jul 31, 2010 9:56 am

Great Views  Sucess!

Climbed up east slopes, it was great and had a lot of fun.


ozarkmac - Jul 20, 2010 7:55 pm Date Climbed: Jul 19, 2010

happy birthday!  Sucess!

Climbed Q with my 14 year old boy a day before his 14th b-day. This was two days after he climbed Fletcher Mountain.

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