Rahel Innominata route

Rahel Innominata route

Rahel Innominata route from Eccles pass to Brouillard ridge. A better aerial view than this one can be seen from French Governement Geoportail The lower part of the picture explain how to access directly to Mont Blanc - Brouillard ridge area when you are connected on GeoPortail: - Clic on Recherche avancée and select this menu item: Aller sur un point (coordonnées)... - Fill the geographical coordinates dialog box as indicated on the picture: 6° 52' 10" Est and 45° 49' 33" Nord - Clic on J'y vais button. - Navigate , scroll, zoom ...
on Nov 30, 2006 4:31 pm
Image Type(s): Informational
Image ID: 248060


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hiltrud.liu - Nov 30, 2006 5:28 pm - Voted 10/10

Very informative!

Thank you very much for this informative picture, Olivier.

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