Retezat panoramas by peterbud

Retezat panoramas by peterbud

Page Type Page Type: Custom Object
Location Lat/Lon: 45.36758°N / 22.89207°E
Additional Information Object Type: Panorama collection


This is a collection of panorama pictures I have taken in Retezat Mountains (Transylvania, Romania).

The best panorama of RetezatBucura cirque from Vf Judele (Jul 2009)
Bucura cirque panoramaBucura cirque from Curmătura Bucurei saddle (Jun 2008)
Peleaga peak and its lakesPeleaga peak and its lakes from Păpuşa peak
Peleaga peakPeleaga peak from Custura Bucurei peak
West view from Peleaga peakWest view from Peleaga peak
Păpuşa peak from the eastEast view of Păpuşa peak
East view from Peleaga peakWest view of Păpuşa peak, from Peleaga
Bucura Lake and Peleaga peakBucura Lake and Peleaga peak
Noon panorama from Bucura LakeNoon panorama from Bucura Lake
View of Vf. Mare and its lakesView of Vf. Mare and its lakes
Southeast view from Bucura I peakSoutheast view from Bucura I peak
Southwest view from Bucura I peakSouthwest view from Bucura I peak
North view from Bucura I peakNorth view from Bucura I peak
West view from Custura Bucurei peakWest view from Custura Bucurei peak
Retezat peak and its east faceRetezat peak from Bucura peak
South view from Retezat peakSouth view from Retezat peak
Northeast view from Şaua JudeleNortheast view from Şaua Judele
West view from Păpuşa peakWest view from Păpuşa peak

Northwest view from Păpuşa peakNorthwest view from Păpuşa peak



Parents refers to a larger category under which an object falls. For example, theAconcagua mountain page has the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits' asparents and is a parent itself to many routes, photos, and Trip Reports.

Retezat MountainsCustom Objects
Panorama's CollectedCustom Objects