Ron Perla in his Canmore backyard

Ron Perla in his Canmore backyard

I couldn't find any images of Ron on Kings Peak run, so he sent me this picture instead, with Chinaman's Peak as a backdrop. Ron is sporting a traditional Caucasus Highlander outfit, complete with a cherkeska with two symmetrical rows of gazyri muzzleloader charge holders, a beshmet, a papakha lambskin headdress, and soft heel-less boots. Of course, to the members of these site, Ron Perla is best known not for the his interest in ethnography and anthropology, but for the first ascents in the Wasatch, the Tetons, and Canadian Rockies, and probably also for the 1986 "Avalanche Handbook". Photo by Gretchen Perla.
Dmitry Pruss
on Apr 3, 2006 11:11 pm
Image ID: 185667


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