Sensuous Mortician, 5.9

Sensuous Mortician, 5.9

  • Sensuous Mortician- 120’- 5.9/
  • Sensuous Mortician is one of the finer 5.9 trad pitches in Red Rocks. It provided a clinic on placing protection via varied and thin terrain. I watched a previous leader really struggle with this pitch as we went up Fold Out to the right. I was obviously quite curious to lead it. Sensuous really does protect just fine, you just have to take your time and make proper placements. I even used a ball nut. The crux is in fact placing the protection. The climbing is never overwhelming. The roof pull at the top was a blast on good rock. The route had everything for a single pitch. Starts out in a crack, moves to face climbing, slight traverse right and then up to below the roof, protect under as you slide left to pull it. Bolted station awaits above the roof. Takes double ropes to rappel. Necromancer Wall, Icebox Canyon, Red Rocks, NV, April, 2008
    Dow Williams
    on May 5, 2008 12:19 pm
    Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
    Image ID: 401357


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